Helmut Newton
vendredi 22 mai 2009
kellina in Art, Books, Carine Roitfeld, Favorites, Photography

Carine Roitfeld believes that we all dress with a fantasy in mind; hers is to look like the subject of a Helmut Newton photo — erotic, stylized, fetishistic, existing in black and white. Newton is renowned internationally for his particular style of fashion photography, helping to shape the look of Vogue Paris and Harper's Bazaar beginning in the 1960s and clearly still a major influence on today's issues. Fantastic news for those that need a primer on Newton's seminal work: Taschen is publishing a new edition of the infamous and elusive Helmut Newton: Sumo slated for release 1 September 2009. Unfortunately I do not think it comes with the chic Philippe Starck stand (pictured above).

Helmut Newton: Sumo and Philippe Starck stand image courtesy of amazon.com

Article originally appeared on I Want To Be A Roitfeld (http://www.iwanttobearoitfeld.com/).
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