Julia Restoin-Roitfeld In Kult
dimanche 20 décembre 2009
kellina in Fashion, Italy, Julia Restoin-Roitfeld, Translation

Julia Restoin-Roitfeld looks sultry on the cover of the fall/winter issue of Italian magazine Kult. The caption in Italian reads, "Figlia della fashion hgh society, creative director, testimonial e modella di base a New York City, Julia Restoin-Roitfeld, è la nuova icona di stile. Libera, impertinente, ribelle e seducente. Julia allo specchio." In English this translates roughly as, "Daughter of fashion hgh society, creative director, spokesperson and model based in New York City, Julia Restoin-Roitfeld is the new style icon. Free, cheeky, rebellious and seductive. Julia is a mirror."

Julia Restoin-Roitfeld images courtesy of Kult Magazine

Update on lundi 1 février 2010 by Registered Commenterkellina

I overlooked the words on the cover of Kult underneath Julia Restoin-Roitfeld's name initially. I decided to add an update just to share them because they are so wise: first as written in the original Italian, ‹‹Da teenager cercavo sempre di assomigliare a qualcun altro. Finché un giorno finalmente ho deciso di essere me stessa.›› and then in English, "As a teenager I was always trying to be like someone else. Until one day I finally decided to be myself."

Article originally appeared on I Want To Be A Roitfeld (http://www.iwanttobearoitfeld.com/).
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