Vogue Paris Translation: Editorial, October 2010
mercredi 27 octobre 2010
kellina in Anniversary, Carine Roitfeld, Editorial, Fashion, Translation, Vogue Paris

Here is my translation from French to English of the editorial that Carine Roitfeld penned in her own hand for the October issue of Vogue Paris. Though brief it is adorable and I am a completist so I wanted to include it here.

Si un seul mot devait résumer l'élégance, le luxe, l'audace, le désir et l'esprit, nul doute que ce serait Vogue ! Un miracle enchanté qui fête ses 90 ans.

If only one word were to sum up elegance, luxury, audacity, desire, and spirit, no doubt it would be Vogue! An enchanted miracle that celebrates 90 years.

Happy Birthday

Vogue Paris editorial image © 2010 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.

Article originally appeared on I Want To Be A Roitfeld (http://www.iwanttobearoitfeld.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.