Le Bal Masqué De Vogue Paris Photos
dimanche 3 octobre 2010
kellina in Anniversary, Carine Roitfeld, Fashion, Paris, Vogue Paris

As you all know, Carine Roitfeld and Vogue Paris staged a masquerade ball at the Hotel Pozzo di Borgo in Paris in order to revel in the magazine's 90th birthday. And revel they did! I reveled as well though elsewhere so I am just getting around to adding the photographs to the gallery et voilàle bal masqué de Vogue Paris photos! I love how The New York Times noted that the extensive preparation by the guests for the masked ball indicated "the pent-up demand among the fashion elite for a truly decadent affair." Indeed. Per usual, Carine Roitfeld knew how to satiate the desire. May the next ninety years of Vogue Paris be as bold, as decadent, as irreverent, as audacious, as fun.

Carine Roitfeld and Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld photograph © 2010 Getty Images. All Rights Reserved.
Julia Restoin-Roitfeld photograph © 2010 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld and Giovanna Battaglia courtesy of theimportanceofbeingoreo.wordpress.com

Update on lundi 4 octobre 2010 by Registered Commenterkellina

If you have not yet read the hilarious account of the party preparations by Garance Doré (the only person in the world not invited to Carine's masked ball) go there now, it is a must.

Article originally appeared on I Want To Be A Roitfeld (http://www.iwanttobearoitfeld.com/).
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