Perfect Gifts For Roitfeld Fans: Eclectic
mercredi 15 décembre 2010
kellina in Animals, Art, Carine Roitfeld, Julia Restoin-Roitfeld, Restaurants, Toys, Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld

Hopefully you have managed to find a gift for each person on your list but just in case, here is a collection of eclectic choices based on favorites of the Roitfeld family. No matter how challenging the recipient may be, there is something here to please anyone from sports fans to gourmands to animal lovers. What is Carine Roitfeld hoping Santa will bring for her? I saved that one for last...


Chelsea Tickets


 Didier Drogba #11 Chelsea jersey


Diptyque Tubereuse candle


Adopt a white lion via West Midland Safari Park


Château Lynch-Bages






Carine Roitfeld Top


Restaurant gift certificates

Au Coin des Gourmets
Café de Flore

New York
Bar Pitti
Il Buco

Russian Tea Room


Penaudio speakers


Art by Richard Hambleton


Carine Roitfeld Finger Puppet


amfAR contribution


Jane Sofa by Gus


Exhale Pilates DVD


Kiki de Montparnasse

Finally, what does Carine Roitfeld want for Christmas? The ultimate luxury — a private jet!

Carine Roitfeld photograph courtesy of Julia Restoin-Roitfeld photographs © 2009 Todd Selby and courtesy of Jil Sander. Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld photograph courtesy of Crystal Renn photograph © 2010 Condé Nast. Product images courtesy of Amazon, amfAR, Château Lynch-Bages, Chelsea Football Club, Kiki de Montparnasse, Penaudio, Richard Hambleton,,, and All Rights Reserved.

Article originally appeared on I Want To Be A Roitfeld (
See website for complete article licensing information.