Me & The Roitfelds
lundi 15 février 2010
kellina in Family, Fashion, Julia Restoin-Roitfeld, New York City, Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld

They may not have included me in this gorgeous photograph but I am mentioned along with "the perfect social totems" Julia and Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld as featured in the Fashion Week edition of New York Magazine.

Indeed, there’s an entire website slavishly devoted to tracking the family; it’s called I Want To Be A Roitfeld and is run by a Carine-possessed woman who goes by the pseudonym Kellina de Boer (though her phone number, and accent, are registered in Norwell, Massachusetts). Early on, one commenter, who Kellina is convinced is Julia, wrote, “hey girl writing on my family… you are a freak! spend your time on something more constructive!” Now, the blogger says, “if I write something that’s not true, she lets me know.” Julia, for her part, denies ever commenting on her site. “It’s flattering, but it’s scary at the same time."*

—Carl Swanson, "Les Enfants Are All Right"

Note that I would fit in with my coloring.

*It's equally scary that I never actually gave any telephone number to Carl Swanson. For the record, my phone, my accent, and I do not reside in Norwell, Massachusetts.

Vladimir and Julia Restoin-Roitfeld photograph © 2010 New York Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Update on lundi 15 février 2010 by Registered Commenterkellina

P. S. Fun fact, if Julia Restoin-Roitfeld never commented on my blog then who would have the vested interest and insider knowledge to leave the comment that appeared below on December 6, 2009, in response to my post on Frank Tell? And silly me for taking it down!

© 2010 Kellina de Boer. All Rights Reserved. Modified from the original post (two photos are omitted).

Article originally appeared on I Want To Be A Roitfeld (
See website for complete article licensing information.