Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld Flaunts It
samedi 20 février 2010
kellina in Art, Interviews, New York City, Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld

Flaunt Magazine catches up with Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld, the hot art dealer to the new generation who is all about business. The interesting angle is that Vlad realizes the whole business of art is changing and he has figured out a model that works in the new economy. Click through to the actual article and magnify the pages to see Vladimir and his thoughts close up. C'est merveilleux... Thank you to barlo for alerting me to this brilliant interview.

Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld photograph © 2010 Flaunt Magazine. All Rights Reserved. Enhanced by Kellina de Boer.

Article originally appeared on I Want To Be A Roitfeld (http://www.iwanttobearoitfeld.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.