Carine Roitfeld: Dictionnaire Impertinent De La Mode
jeudi 1 novembre 2012
kellina in Art, Books, Carine Roitfeld, Fashion, Illustration, Isabelle Oziol de Pignol

I was excited to receive a note from the talented and lovely Isabelle Oziol de Pignol, sharing with me her latest artistic accomplishment: she has illustrated a sassy dictionary of fashion and of course who but Carine Roitfeld would appear under the letter "R." Published in September by François Bourin Editeur, Dictionnaire impertinent de la mode is a humorous and refreshing look at fashion written by Sylvie Barbier, the former editor-in-chief of the French edition of Marie Claire, and illustrated by Isabelle Oziol de Pignol. Readers may recognize Isabelle's style from the banner images she created for IWTBAR and IWTBAA, please be sure to visit Accro de la Mode to see more of her work. Note that the book is printed entirely in French but Isabelle's marvelous illustrations transcend any language barrier.

Read the first chapter of Dictionnaire impertinent de la mode

Carine Roitfeld: Dictionnaire impertinent de la mode illustration © 2012 Isabelle Oziol de Pignol. All Rights Reserved.

Article originally appeared on I Want To Be A Roitfeld (
See website for complete article licensing information.