What is the secret to Julia Restoin-Roitfeld's gorgeous skin? She claims that it is not a secret beauty potion but rather a delicious glass of fresh apple, carrot, and ginger juice every day. Since Martina Navratilova also attributes her youthful vigor to daily juicing, I decided to give it a try myself. If just this one habit could improve my skin and my tennis, I figured I have nothing to lose. I bought the Breville Compact Juice Fountain last December and I have used it virtually every day since. It is quick and easy to use, the juice is pulpless and invigorating, and my skin has better tone and color. I wish I could say there's been a drastic improvement in my tennis, but some things take time. If you'd like to try it yourself, combine one apple, one carrot, and one piece of ginger (approximately 1" square and 1/8" thick) in your machine, juice, and enjoy. Repeat daily and be prepared to reap the rewards of healthy nutrition.