I Want To Be A Roitfeld

Kellina de Boer

Dara Block

Jessica Eritou
Renee Hernandez
Bernie Rothschild

quoi de neuf
Carine Roitfeld




Julia Restoin-Roitfeld




Beauty Products


Beauty Secrets

Style Tips



Mademoiselle C

Mademoiselle C (2013)
Directed by Fabien Constant

IWTB Interview:
Fabien Constant




Harper's Bazaar

carine roitfeld: irreverent

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O.Z. Diary
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Carine Roitfeld Is In

This is so last year, but since I cannot find a 2010 edition it must suffice. The New York Post published their Out & In for 2009, amusing and largely still relevant. Note that this is not their complete list but the best outtakes. Of course La Roitfeld is IN.

OUT: Carrie Bradshaw
IN: Serena van der Woodsen

OUT: Pitying Jennifer Aniston
IN: Disliking Jennifer Aniston

OUT: Cocktails
IN: Booze

OUT: Disliking Paris Hilton
IN: Pitying Paris Hilton

OUT: The iPhone
IN: Hoping Steve Jobs isn't at death's doorstep so Apple can keep releasing new iPhones

OUT: Investment bankers
IN: Bankruptcy lawyers

OUT: Bush
IN: Obama

OUT: Pining for the broke-ass New York of old
IN: The broke-ass New York of new

OUT: Irony
IN: Irony (Weird, isn't it?)

OUT: Tween stars
IN: Legal tender

OUT: House music
IN: Dance rock

OUT: Comebacks
IN: Staying gone

OUT: eBay
IN: propertyroom.com

OUT: Oversharing bloggers
IN: Journalists

OUT: Accountability
IN: Bailouts

OUT: Nightlife on Ludlow Street
IN: Nightlife on Broome Street

OUT: $2 subway fare
IN: Hell, you might as well take a cab

OUT: Saying Brooklyn's cool
IN: Going to Brooklyn

OUT: Hummers
IN: Hybrids

OUT: Commercials
IN: Viral marketing

OUT: Evangelists
IN: Intellectuals

OUT: Anime
IN: Superhero movies

OUT: Deejays
IN: Musicians

OUT: All things retro
IN: Invention

OUT: The Eldridge
IN: Chloe

OUT: Memoirs
IN: Documentaries

OUT: Xenophobia
IN: Patriotism

OUT: Bryant Park tents
IN: Intimate showrooms

OUT: American leading men
IN: Foreign leading men

OUT: Watching "Saturday Night Live" on TV
IN: Watching "Saturday Night Live" clips online

OUT: Full-figured models, actresses as models
IN: Actual models

OUT: Ultimate Fighting
IN: Gotham Girls Roller Derby

OUT: Meaningless sex
IN: Meaningless sex while thinking about James Franco

OUT: Drinking wine out of fine Riedel stemware
IN: Drinking cheap swill out of baby bottles

OUT: Celeb chefs
IN: Cult butchers

OUT: Vacations
IN: Staycations

OUT: Anna Wintour
IN: Carine Roitfeld

OUT: Stocks
IN: Gold bullion

OUT: Buying Grey Goose in a club
IN: Sneaking Mad Dog into a club

OUT: TV weasel Jeremy Piven
IN: Real-life weasel Jeremy Piven

OUT: Throwing fruit
IN: Throwing shoes

OUT: Bikram
IN: Drinking yourself into a comatose state

OUT: Credit
IN: Cold, hard cash

OUT: Landlords
IN: Tenants

OUT: Auto industry
IN: Delicious, reliable soup

OUT: Office holiday parties
IN: Office cuddle parties

Courtesy of The New York Post
Carine Roitfeld photograph courtesy of Fashion Spot

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Reader Comments (8)

Anna Wintour is always out....

7 janvier 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKate

Tee hee!! You know it. Why doesn't Condé Nast?

7 janvier 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

They don't call those ladies Conde Nasties for nothin'. (Am I mean or what?)

8 janvier 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKate

Naw, just brutally honest, an admirable trait!

8 janvier 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

Ouch, Anna can't be happy... Carine is pure perfection!

OUT: Drinking wine out of fine Riedel stemware
IN: Drinking cheap swill out of baby bottles

Do people really do this!?

Indeed Carine is perfection. As for whether or not baby bottles are now acceptable wine glasses, I think they are probably exaggerating for effect but I'd believe there are at least a few wine drinkers out there with such a sense of humor.

10 janvier 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

Completely agree! Carine is my favorite Vogue editor!

Completely! She has redefined the magazine in keeping with her own amazing image, thereby making it one of the only magazines worth buying. Incroyable.

Also, I am adding a link to your blog. If you feel like linking back that would be brilliant.

19 janvier 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

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