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Carine Roitfeld Quits Vogue Paris

I have no real information but I will add details as available. I thought I should give us space to begin grieving and speculating so feel free to comment with your theories as to why Carine Roitfeld is leaving Vogue Paris. What could possibly be better?! Who could ever take her place?!

Carine Roitfeld photograph © Condé Nast and Hedi Slimane. All Rights Reserved. Vogue Paris cover image featuring Carine Roitfeld created by Kellina de Boer.

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Reader Comments (89)

elle va nous manquer.. ;)
ps: je l'ai dessinée sur mon blog ;)
20 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commentersalomé

I read the Trendland piece, and if it's true it amounts to little short of a temper tantrum on the part of the good folks at LVMH. If in fact she chose her beloved friend Mr. Ford over their fist-shaking threats makes it even worse for LVMH, as they wanted to 'acquire' him while still at Gucci. But during final negotiations, Ford demanded an 'exit clause' written into the potential LVMH take over--meaning that if the deal went through he was not staying. To avoid a nasty public scene, LVMH relinquished all their shares in Gucci and went home with their tales between their legs. Lots of bad blood there.

Carine will land. . .and land gracefully; she always does. It all just seems so extreme. . .
20 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSMM
Kellina, you're up on it so this won't surprise you but it's from Racked, a little different from what I'd heard -

20 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVeiled
Merci, Salomé, j'adore votre dessin.
20 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
It does seem extreme, SMM, but who knows what has gone on behind the scenes. Also remember that egos and money are involved...
20 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Thank you, Veiled, I had not yet read that exact piece. I think Styleite offers a few valid arguments as to why the firing rumor does not make sense:

20 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Wow! Thank you for the link! :D
21 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKate
Mon plaisir, Kate ! Love your post! But return the "uck" to its rightful place...

; )
21 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Also, under French labour laws it's not so easy to "fire" an employee as people seem to think- despite the rumours, and of course there MAY be people who want her out of the magazine, but it wouldn't be so easy for them to achieve it as most people in favour of the 'sacking' theory seem to think.
21 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDru
by the way, i love your blog and more than ever now the venue to enjoy the fabulous Roitfeld style.
21 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenter21centurydressmaker
Interesting, Dru, I was not aware of that. I am thinking it is more like a "layoff" than a "firing."
21 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
So very kind of you to say, Nancy! Thank you for making my day! Like most editors, I am currently adrift without a plan. I liked having a mental calendar for the site to dwell on, right now all I have to consider are questions...
21 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
J'espère que cela est vrai, mais j'en doute. J'ai lu que le rédacteur en chef de Madame Figaro peut devenir "la nouvelle Carine"... Who knows, we just have wait and see I guess.
22 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMilla
"Madame Figaro meets Vogue" is dangerously sureal...
22 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkellina IV
Follow me on:


Coming soon

22 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkellina IV
Classic! No, she doesn't do it for me (plus Le Figaro is banned in this house - I have to sneak the weekend issue in!). Who do you fancy to fill Carine's shoes Kellina IV?
22 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMilla
I can't wait to see what Carine's next step is....I just hope she doesn't keep us in suspense for too long. I am excited to see what she does and see it all documented here, my go to source for all the Carine drama (shocking), news (thanks for all the updates), and projects (what on earth will follow?!).
22 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenternoelani
I do not know, Milla... I'd love a British.

My dream: Nick Knight.
22 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkellina IV
Thank you kindly for the link, Kellina II (or is it IV... who is counting... what happened to trois...) We must keep the rumor mill percolating until Carine's next move is known... Do you think she will go to Vanity Fair France?
22 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
It is sure to be fabulous, Milla, and worth the excruciating wait! x
22 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
 Ha ha ha, Kellina II/IV! I adore your sharp wit! Looking forward to IWTBAM...
22 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Milla, you have to fill us in — why is Le Figaro banned in your household??
22 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Noelani, the suspense is killlllllllllllling me! Must. Have. Plan. SOON! Thank you for your kind compliments, dear, I will strive to keep you posted...
22 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Kellina II/IV/VI/VIII, that is the first time I have seen Nick Knight mentioned, fine choice!
22 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
"Kellina II/IV/VI/VIII..." Christmas is a time for family togetherness. We are all reunited ;-) !

Nick Knight, I know, is a fabulous choice but highly sureal.

Enjoy Christmas time

23 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkellina n (n>1)
Kellina II, you do amuse me to the nth power! I am glad we are together in this.

; )

My very warmest wishes to you for a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year! You deserve it.

: D
23 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Thank you ! I will distribute your wishes to the n-members of my large family :-)


23 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkellina n (n>1)
Whilst the British are obviously fabulous and could do a great job, I'm not sure who would be able to fill Carine's shoes. Suggestions? I don't want to see some ridiculous celebrity on the cover of Vogue Paris - British & American Vogue do this far too much.

Le Figaro has right-wing tendencies and we're not down that! Madame Figaro is a wonderful fashion-packed weekly though.

VF France - no. She seems much more interested in styling. Who knows though...


PS - isn't this the longest exchange of comments ever!? Fab!
23 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMilla
Please do give them my best, kellina n (n>1). N-othing would be n-icer.
23 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Milla, darling, I hate to state the obvious but clearly there is no substitute for Carine Roitfeld. I apologize in advance for inadvertently offending the next editor-in-chief of the publication but no one can measure up and Vogue Paris will suffer. Good to know re LF and MF. As for VF, d'accord, non.

I am loving the lengthy exchange of comments! I am still a bit displeased at the topic but once we know what is next I will simmer down. I am really happy that so many people feel comfortable expressing their perspectives here, it is a strange time in the world of fashion.

23 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Yesterday, I bought the December issue and was disappointed. I don't like to see Children
dressd as adults in sexy clothes, I wonder if this has anything to do with IF she were fired.
The sexy calendar that came along with the issue was amazing!
Merry Christmas everyone.
25 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commentermimi (cigalechanta)
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.........................it will NEVER be the same. :(
26 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdebbie
You can only go if you come to American Vogue ! Will al do respect to Ms Wintour whom I adore! All the best your years at French Vogue will make History.
29 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMilaneseGAL
Mimi, I am sorry to hear that you did not find the December issue appealing. I cannot say that I understand the intention of the editorial that you mentioned but I was not offended by it. It seems that many were however! Did you buy your copy on a US newsstand? If so, I am surprised that it came bundled with the calendar, what luck! Happy New Year!
31 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Debbie, I COMPLETELY agree with your statement! There is only one Carine Roitfeld.
31 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
MilaneseGAL, thank you for making me laugh. I think Carine would find the restrictions of the American audience horrifying. I would love to be wrong about this, but I doubt that mainstream middle America is ready for Carine's vision...
31 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Kellina Darling! Sorry in responding months later to your acute observation.... Just an idea... If America was ready for Obama is ready for a second Revolution! It will be The Carine the most powerful fashion storm! Good Fashion Storm! We need Carine! Love your messages, I am sure M.me CR have a kick too....hugs www.milanesegal.blogspot.com
16 mars 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMilaneseGAL
MilaneseGAL — let it RAIN!!!!!!!!!!

To take your message to the extreme while simultaneously expressing my own feelings: M.me CR for President!

I love your messages, too, please send them more regularly! Our viewpoint needs all possible representation!


Most sincerely and with hugs
18 mars 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina

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