Une Fille Un Style

Julia Restoin-Roitfeld is one of the prettiest people in the world. Though her style is influenced by some of the best at what they do, Julia's inimitable essence shines through. She keeps it deceivingly simple and consistently seductive yet always fresh and uniquely herself. If I may be so bold, why not feature Julia as "Une Fille Un Style" in Vogue Paris? I know there would be cries of nepotism, but that occurs readily and with much less reason. I cannot think of anyone that I would prefer to see, how about you? Particularly if (as I fear) Julia has relocated to London, we would clearly love to view photographs of her new place; the "Une Fille Un Style" pages are the perfect forum. In the comments below, please take a minute to either vote for Julia or suggest an alternate for "Une Fille Un Style." We might mention a few others to Carine while we are at it...
Julia Restoin-Roitfeld photograph courtesy of saywho.fr.

Reader Comments (19)
Is it my imagination or is Julia's face looking thinner lately?
Stunning picture
Michael, now that you mention it her cheekbones may be protruding a bit more than usual...
You are so right, Tracy.
I vote for Julia, yes! The pictures could be Carine-reminiscent. Also, I think her face looks more angular because of the camera lens and the angle the picture was taken. (But what do I know? :))
My vote is for Julia. If not her, then Giovanna Battaglia please!!! Or is that nepotistic too, now that she's with Vladimir??
Kate, thanks for your vote!! That is a lovely idea. Yes, perhaps the perception of thinness is a matter of perspective after all.
; )
I appreciate your vote(s), Amina! However, remember that Ms. Battaglia was chosen as "Une Fille Un Style" for Aprll 2008 and I am not sure how rapidly they repeat subjects if at all. Personally, I'd love to see every single item in Giovanna's wardrobe which sounds as if it might encompass a few volumes!!
; D
I will cast my own vote for an interesting alternate: Garance Doré.
Garance not ready yet. My vote is for Pamela Love or Vanessa von Bismarck or even Sarah Rutson, so many real style ladies... it can expand to the gents that have been appearing all over this season.
I think she would also be great for this new Vogue UK feature where they get a model to show what they wear every day for a month. They've done Alexa Chung and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
I would love to see Julia in "Un fille, Un style" and I found Giovanna a good alternative - she had been in it already and I keep on re-reading those pages at least once a month! I'm quite obsessed?!?!
Personally speaking, I think another nominee could be the photographer Kimi Hammerstroem, I just found out about her and I'd like to know something more...
Anyway, you do such an amazing work with this blog, thanx for sharing all these photos and information with us.
Danda xxx
Bonjour, JA!
Even if she hasn't peaked yet, I'd prefer to see behind the scenes with Garance than some of the other recent choices.
Pamela Love is a fantastic choice but again—before Julia?! She will be 30 soon, why wait?
Also, I love your idea of featuring men, although I think that instead of replacing "une fille," adding "un homme un style" as another section would be nice.
Thank you for voting, these are wonderful suggestions!
Hi, London Fashion Intern!
Thank you for the heads up on the new Vogue UK feature, that would be a natural for Julia and brilliant for us—30 days of Julia's closet = yes please!
Also I am happy to find your blog, you have excellent information and not just for interns.
Danda! I was so excited to click on the link to your blog and make the connection! I have visited your blog numerous times, it is fabulous! Thank you so much for visiting mine.
I absolutely love the "Une Fille Un Style" with Giovanna, I was obsessed with it and the one featuring Lou Doillon to the point that I have them memorized. I am glad to hear that someone perceived it similarly.
; )
Thank you also for voting, this is the first time I've heard about Kimi Hammerstroem and I can't wait to investigate.
I truly appreciate your kind words about the site, I have admired your blog for a while so if you'd like to exchange links with me, just let me know.
Hi, Cigalechanta!
Glad to see you voting and, if I may be so biased, with such perfect taste! Three of the loveliest women Paris has to offer, non ? You are in luck, my dear! Lou Doillon appeared in "Une Fille Un Style" in December 2007 when sister Charlotte edited, just click that link and enjoy. If you can get a copy of the issue, it is a wonderful look at Charlotte's life as well that far exceeds the few pages devoted to "Une Fille".
; )
You may remember Vogue UK's 2009 interview with the delightful Julia - http://www.vogue.co.uk/celebrity-photos/090505-julia-restoin-roitfeld-style.aspx.
Do you buy Vogue UK? Personally, I find it rather bland and the cover models lack diversity and are just pretty dull... Worth scanning for snippets about our favourite people though :-)
Thank you for the reminder, Milla!! I only buy Vogue UK when I know they have a snippet about one of our faves.
; )
But they do have the occasional gem, I loved their editorial with Jane Birkin and Lou Doillon a few years ago.