Ask Carine Roitfeld

Olivier Zahm is editing a book about Carine Roitfeld tentatively titled Album of a Woman of Fashion and he needs your help... Originally slated to release this October, Rizzoli pushed the publication date to next autumn and has invited questions from Carine's fans that she may answer in Zahm's forthcoming book. See Rizzoli's invitation here (and note that I have verified the request is genuine). If you have a personal question that you would like Carine to answer, send it to and you may be one of the lucky few that receives a response from La Roitfeld herself. If you do send in a question, I would love to hear about it. Bonne chance, mes chéris !
Carine Roitfeld and Olivier Zahm photograph courtesy of

Reader Comments (12)
I submitted my questions! I think it's pretty obvious what I asked. :p
How lucky that this opportunity came just at this time!
Thanks to Olivier! I will definitely buy this book regardless if my questions get answered or not. I look forward to it's publication YAY!
How exciting, Kellina!!!
Tanya, thank you for submitting our burning questions about hair products! I so hope that she answers...
; )
It is indeed a lucky opportunity, I am simply trying to decide how many questions are appropriate to submit.
; D
I cannot wait to possess this book, it will look lovely stacked with other notable CR titles such as Stylist and New Paris Interiors.
It is exciting, Kate! Are you planning to pose a question to our favorite editor?
Why, of course I will! (I just need to think of a good one, hmmm....)
Kate, this is tough, I have so many and yet none of the questions seem good enough to actually send to Carine Roitfeld. I'd rather we just sit down with a pot of tea and have a chat. Chez Milla, bien sûr....
; D
It is very difficult to find one Question because there are many! If I find one proper Question and decide to ask her I will write it here too.
I have one Question, though I do not know if it is good to ask. I would like to know which self-tanner product Carine uses if she does? Because she has an amazing complexion.
Did you see a note about your blog in brazilian site of magazine Vogue RG?
The note said about this post! The site praises you. Congratulations! Beijos -
Hi, Maya! It is tough to decide which is the most important question to have answered. Luckily with everyone having a chance to ask, I bet there will be many great questions and even better, many great answers from Carine herself! She does have a beautiful complexion, I hope she will answer your question.
Sil, muito obrigada for your kind acknowledgment my friend! I did see it and I tried to translate it but I am not exactly sure what they say. I am glad to know that it is something good and thrilled that it is a mention from Vogue Brazil. Beijos
Kellina, I just wanted to congratulate you on all your exposure! You are quickly becoming a recognized authority on all things Roitfeld. Very exciting. Félicitations!
Thank you very much, Tanya! I am so glad that you came out of the shadows and began commenting. It is definitely readers like you that keep me motivated.