I Want To Be A Roitfeld

Kellina de Boer

Dara Block

Jessica Eritou
Renee Hernandez
Bernie Rothschild

quoi de neuf
Carine Roitfeld




Julia Restoin-Roitfeld




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Mademoiselle C

Mademoiselle C (2013)
Directed by Fabien Constant

IWTB Interview:
Fabien Constant




Harper's Bazaar

carine roitfeld: irreverent

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I Want To Be A Battaglia


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Marella Agnelli: The Last Swan
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O.Z. Diary
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Carine Roitfeld: Irreverent Arrives!

Oh joy! I am excited to announce that I am now in possession of my copy of Carine Roitfeld: Irreverent and I need to spend time revering it so I will be brief. If you are not similarly blessed, console yourself with the abundance of publicity Carine has done for the book... right after you order your copy.... If you have received Carine's book, I hope you will share your impressions in the comments.

Carine Roitfeld at the book signing of Irreverent in Dover Street Market

Carine Roitfeld on being irreverent, why she loves Lara Stone and how we can be a Roitfeld
Lasting 7:06 but largely impossible to decipher due to background noise, La Roitfeld acknowledges IWTBAR at 4:48 when Grazia asks if Carine has seen the site and she responds, "Yes, of course." I requested a transcript from Grazia but they have yet to respond.

A passionate fan shares a look inside his signed copy of the book

Two versions of an interview with Lee Carter:
Carine Roitfeld On Being Carine Roitfeld
Made In France: Carine Roitfeld

On 11 November, Carine Roitfeld will sign copies of Irreverent at Bookmarc in New York.

Carine Roitfeld and Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld photograph courtesy of twitter.com/Jessie_Vee.

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Reader Comments (10)

Can't wait to get home on Thurs & see if my copy is there!!!!!
19 octobre 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLee
That background noise was extremely annoying but I was able to follow. I loved her facial expression and laugh when asked about the site. She knows IWTBAR and its mastermind! Go KdB!
19 octobre 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRenee
i would love to ask if all the limited editions are in a white cases as shown in your last post?
19 octobre 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMiss Charlie
Just got home and lo and behold....my "Irreverent" tome has arrived!! And it does not disappoint! It is beautiful! My only caveat with the book is that it is a tad large for subway reading. ;)
(I can't wait to read it.)
19 octobre 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKate
Lee, I hope it is, it is incredible!!!! Can't wait til you see it!!
20 octobre 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
Awwww, Renee, thanks very much for your sweet words!!! xo
20 octobre 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
Miss Charlie, that is my understanding. Will you be getting a copy? I think I need one of those as well...
20 octobre 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
Yaaaaay, KRS#1!

Agreed, a bit much to tote about while commuting but the boardless cloth binding lends itself to lap browsing at home perfectly. I shudder to think how much of my time will be devoted to just that... Carine and I hearthside, with a cup of Earl Grey...
20 octobre 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
UNBELIEVABLE!!!! There is so much to LOVE in this. Again, this is a living, breathing testimony to Mme's development as a stylist and the ways she has changed and challenged the world of images. But more riveting are the shots of her parents, her children and the candor at which she discusses each of these. There is a rare degree of accessibility here that is so refreshing; yes, it is an interview--but it's so much more. A personal and professional history of a great, modern woman--nee I say feminist; yup, just did--who is so worthy of admiration. She's inspires by 'being', and encourages all of us to do exactly the same; to live life on our own terms. BLESS YOU, CARINE!!!!
21 octobre 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSMM
If ever im gonna see La Roitfeld..I'll ask her to gave me her fabolous jacket that she's wearing (i bet its Givenchy or Balenciaga) and she might say yes cause she has a lot of it! I will wish upon a Roitfeld
26 octobre 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbernie

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