L'appartement 217
Carine Roitfeld likes L'appartement 217 for her body treatments, or as the spa's web site states, "soin de corps et d'esprit" (care of body and spirit). Located in the first arrondissement on rue Saint-Honoré in Paris, this sanctuary in the Hausmann style has been perfected by Feng Shui experts to be a place of total calm. All products used are natural, the kimonos for guests are made out of organic pine tree pulp "soft and downy as silk", the water in the spa is decalcified, and the electrical waves are insulated to neutralize any harmful effects. Conceived by Stéphane Jaulin (formerly beauty director for Colette), this spacious, well-lighted setting is a haven of calm in urban Paris. Stop into L'appartement 217 for a facial or massage and soothe your body and spirit beautifully.
Image of L'appartement 217 courtesy of vogue.fr

Reader Comments (2)
If I'm ever going to meet Carine, I'm going to have to start hanging out at all of her local stops - thank you for the names/addresses! All I need now is for you to sync her Blackberry with mine!! Oh, the dream continues...
If only my magic wand was not in the shop, Milla!
; )
All I ask in return is that you email me your exciting news following any Carine meetings, bonus points for photos.... (I know, like I have to ask!)
: D