Carine Roitfeld At Miu Miu

Carine Roitfeld looks so beautiful here viewing the Miu Miu Spring/Summer 2010 collection. I love the combination of the organic and metallic against the boardroom pinstripe. What do you think, does this look work?
Carine Roitfeld photograph courtesy of

Reader Comments (10)
Can you suggest some comfortable chic flats within a budget?
This is a great question that I have been asking myself lately. I recently bought a pair of black flats with studded toes. They are Madden Girl, v. comfy, and on sale for $20 at Famous Footwear a couple weeks ago. Because of the studs though they stand out a bit as an every day shoe and of course nothing lasts forever so I'm looking for a pair of basic black ballet flats.
Right now I am considering two options: L.L. Bean's Haven Skimmers ($64) or J. Crew's Kelcey suede ballet flats ($98). I think basic black flats are just that—basic—so I'm going for longevity. Since I haven't tried on either brand I cannot attest to the level of comfort.
How about you, what options have you found for chic yet affordable flats?
Really not much at all! haha.
It'd be great to get to know about you and your thoughts more, on this site or maybe a blog, but it'd be fun nonetheless as interesting people are few and far apart, judging by this site you have a personality worth knowing more about :)
Kaya, you are such a sweetheart! I've been reading your comments on Kate's blog too (Everyday Glamour) and you are always so nice. I think truly nice people are as rare as interesting people so thank you for your refreshing comments. I'm generally the private type but let me know what strikes your curiosity.
: D
Hey! Talkin' behind my back?? LOL. So nice!
Have you tried Repetto flats? I haven't, but they look cute.
And there's my best blog friend, Kate, hooray! I have not tried Repetto flats but I'd love to and as always, you make the perfect connection—they are a favorite of Julia's for walking around NYC.
; D
There's a mutual admiration society going on here lol
As far as what strike my curioisity, I think it's simply your aesthetic, the way this site is, the fact that Carine triggered enough interst for you to begin this site, the fact that you admire her so much and what must be the various resaons for this adiration.
The minimalistic and careful approach to the site.
By the way, have been wondering; are you French, or do you simply speak French?
*what strikes..
I have a thing for being grammatically correct lol.. Even in casual comments :D
Hi, Kaya! There is definitely a mutual admiration society going on here. I also love that all three of our names begin with "K".
; D
Thank you so much for your kind words. I am glad that you like the aesthetic of the site, I definitely aim for minimal to reflect the fact that Carine likes to keep her surroundings minimal. Having a clean backdrop makes the subject shine all the more.
Thank you even more for asking if I am French, what a delight!!! I am American and I have spent the last four years teaching myself French. I still have lots to learn. How about you, where are you from? Do you speak alternate languages or have interest in learning others?