Perfect Gifts For Roitfeld Fans: Toys

Giovanna Battaglia holds her new Kindle Electronics
Kindle Wireless Reading Device
According to her tweets, Giovanna Battaglia just got a Kindle and it is cool: "My Kindle, I love it!... Is going to be my travel friend..." It is the perfect gift this season for the fashionista that never stops.
Leica Camera
Julia Restoin-Roitfeld is quite the photographer, including a stint as Dazed and Confused's Fashion Week photo blogger last February. Julia shoots with a Leica camera.
Breville Juicer
Julia credits fresh apple, carrot, and ginger juice as the secret to her flawless skin, maybe someone on your gift list could use a little health kick? Chances are they'll be glowing!
Here is a sampling of the family's favorites, they would be lovely as stocking stuffers:
Trainspotting: Music From The Motion Picture
This is an odd little category, mostly just fun things I want to share with you:
Christian Louboutin Cat Burglar Barbie doll
Rei Kawakubo Barbie doll
This is the gift I'd want Carine to get, hopefully she would laugh as she loves Comme des Garçons and Rei: "It's my favorite show every season, it is really inspiring, Rei Kawakubo really does things differently from everybody else and she does not follow trends."
Kiki de Montparnasse
This is where Julia likes to shop for toys, bien sûr.
Photograph of Giovanna Battaglia's Kindle device © 2009 Giovanna Battaglia. All Rights Reserved.
Photograph of Julia Restoin-Roitfeld's Leica camera © 2009 Todd Selby. All Rights Reserved.
Christian Louboutin Cat Burglar Barbie doll image courtesy of
Lanvin image courtesy of Condé Nast.
Rei Kawakubo Barbie doll image courtesy of
Cat mask image courtesy of Kiki de Montparnasse.
Product images courtesy of Amazon.
Reader Comments (14)
I love the Lanvin dolls, I've never seen them. And Kiki de Montpartnasse, ooooo, likey.
Hi, Kate! I know, they are adorable, It was tough deciding which one to feature in the post. And, yes indeedy, Kiki's is the place for all kinds of special treats. Hasn't someone on your list been extra good this year?
; )
Ha, Ha! The gift that keeps on giving....;)
ha ha! exactly!
and how can i find Giovanna on Twitter? TIA!
hi marussia, if you leave your email address i can let you know.
hi again marussia, i just checked and if you search for "giovanna battaglia twitter" you will find it easily.
; )
thank you kellina! found!
was just a silly morning question :))))))))))))
no worries!! glad you found it, marussia. giovanna posts cool photos, enjoy!!
: )
great list!! i love that she uses such a fancy, fun the movie selection too! i've never seen belle du jour and it's killing me! i also better get some fruit and veggie juices into my daily routine...
merci, tbf! so glad you found some fun items on the list. you must see belle de jour at your earliest opportunity, it is one of my favorite films. the premise, the cast, the setting, the dialogue, the surreality, the clothes—all are perfection.
as for the fruit and veggie juice, get to it, girl! if you don't have time to make fresh juice, try bolthouse juices if they are available in your area. totally yummy and nothing but natural ingredients. i like their carrot juice and green and blue goodness juices the best. err, and pear merlot!
let me know what you think once you have a chance to try either belle de jour or the juice...
; )
Ok- so I have been drinking TONS of Acai berry juice, like at least 1oz. a day, which is supposed to be loaded full of anti oxidants and life saving things...also kind of lame, but I've been drinking V8 because it's accessible...I will look for Bolthouse- I've seen it at Whole Foods, so I'll pick some up next time I'm there!
great work, tbf!
have you noticed any difference in your skin at all? v8's not lame but i am not a big fan of the taste of tomato juice. i tried bolthouse's "vedge" which is mostly tomato and i just couldn't make myself drink it. you can get a lot of good veggie nutrients from the "green goodness" juice they make and it tastes much better. i swear that just a few sips of their carrot juice makes my skin look better almost immediately, it's unreal. i've never had acai berry juice straight up before, just in teas or juice blends, how do you like the taste?
It's funny, I actually LOVE the taste of Acai juice, straight up with the pulp. My best friend thinks I'm nuts, but it just tastes like a thicker version of what I imagine blueberry juice to taste like. Knowing how healthy it is for you makes me love it even more! Where do you live? I wonder if they sell the pure extract near you? I buy mine at Whole Foods...haha, like everything else!