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Vogue Paris 2011 Calendar Preview

Time for a new Vogue Paris calendar and thanks to the VP web site we have a look at the cover. It appears as though fashion did not actually play a role in this year's calendar starring Daria Werbowy wearing jewelry by Louis Vuitton and little else. Mikael Jansson photographed the 2011 calendar.

Vogue Paris 2011 calendar image © 2010 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.

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Reader Comments (29)

Umm, I think the men in this house would appreciate each and every month. Sure that's not a Pirelli calendar, haha?!? It's an attention getter for sure.
24 novembre 2010 | Unregistered Commentercupcake
It's amazing! Great sense of Luxurious Nudity.
24 novembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterViola
Hee hee, right on, Cupcake! This will indeed appeal to the males in my household. Lucky for them, they get all twelve months whereas we have to suffer with only ten issues of the magazine!

; )

You make another excellent observation, this could easily pass for a Pirelli calendar, VP seems to use less clothing with each passing year... I continue to use the 2008 calendar because I love the photos, I am still waiting for anything half as creative to come out.

24 novembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Thank you for visiting, Viola! Luxurious Nudity describes this scene exactly, nice choice of words.
24 novembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
wow, she's so thin! I can see her bones O___O
24 novembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLadyLindy
Nice to see you, LadyLindy!!

She is very thin but the prominence of her skeletal frame is partly due to positioning, she is not lying flat but lifting her ribcage and we all know that makes us look a bit thinner...

; )
24 novembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Whoa (in my best Keanu)! I never knew VP had a calendar. Very sexy!
25 novembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRenee
She's a beauty, and the photo is great! However, i don't like seeing her pubic hair=/
25 novembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAntonia
exciting post!! can't wait to see the rest of the photos!! i keep using the 2008 calendar too :)
26 novembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenterzyildirim
I know this is not the topic, but I loove her hair color!
26 novembre 2010 | Unregistered Commentermaya
I never knew the calendar was about clothes! LOL! This year seems to be no exception. It's like the fashion approved version of the Playboy calender. Not a big fan of the picture i'm afraid.

By the way, am I the only one who sees a religious hint in it?

27 novembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLe Choix Trois
How do you get ahold of one? Do you need a subscription?
27 novembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKate
Renee, so glad to turn someone new onto the VP calendar! Be sure to check out the calendars for the past three years in Carine's photos.
27 novembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Antonia, I am glad that you enjoy the image even if part of it makes you uncomfortable. It does seem that the level of nudity in the VP calendar increases annually.
27 novembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
I am excited to see the rest too, Zyildirim. Thanks for the backup re 2008, it really is the best! Creative and sexy!
27 novembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Maya, the subtle, luxurious color in this image is one of its most beautiful aspects, I think you are right on target.
27 novembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Hee hee, good point, LCT! Sorry you do not like the image. Nice observation, her positioning and the draping of garments is certainly reminiscent of the figures in religious paintings.
27 novembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Kate, the calendar has been bundled with issues of Vogue Paris on the newsstands for the last few years, hopefully that tradition will continue with the Tom Ford issue...
27 novembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Nice post! really looking forward to this calendar!!
27 novembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAntonia
Thank you so much, Antonia! I share your anticipation.
30 novembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
J'adore your blog, excuse my frenglish. I'm a new fan of Vogue Paris and I was wondering if the latest issue with Laetitia Casta on the cover IS both the dec/jan issue? Would you know when the issue with monsieur Ford and this calender with Daria is due out?
3 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNadia
Salut, Nadia ! Merci beaucoup et pas problème.

The issue with Laetitia Casta on the cover is actually from December 2009/January 2010. The Tom Ford cover is the December 2010/January 2011 issue and includes the calendar with Daria. It should be on newsstands now (or very soon if not) particularly if you are in France.

3 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Which issue will the calendar come out with? my husband is passing through Paris en route to Miami and I want him to bring it if possible.
10 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenterterese
Apologies I just read kellinas last post;)
10 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenterterese
Hi, Terese! The calendar has been bundled with the December/January issue of Vogue Paris on newsstands in the US in the past so you may be able to get it in Miami as well. Try a Borders or Barnes & Noble. Hopefully your husband will score a copy but thought I'd let you know just in case. Or for future issues!

; )

Thank you for stopping by.
10 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

I never thought I'd come on a website called : I want to be a Roitfeld, since I really don't like her, but your blog is pretty cool, great fashion news, a good eye on what is in ...

Anyway, my point is, I'm French, I'm a guy, and I'm highly disappointed by this Calendar who looks more like a Standard Male Magazine Calendar, than VOGUE Calendar... I mean, lingerie, nudity okay, but with Daria only? And on some pictures you can even see her bush! I mean, wish girl would like to have that as a Calendar?! They have such a great potential!

So if anyone wants it, I have it, and don't mind not keeping it. ^^
11 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBenjamin Gabriel
Benjamin, thank you so much for your comments! I am glad you like what you see here and I hope you will visit often. I understand your disappointment in this year's calendar, although I think the photos are beautiful the entire thing lacks creativity. Additionally, I am personally outraged because my subscription copy of Vogue Paris finally arrived this morning and there is no calendar bundled with it! The nerve!
11 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Merci beaucoup Kellina! Thank oh thank you, for clearing that up for me. I'm going to run to my local WHSmith to purchase a copy tomorrow =)
I live in London and even though it's an amazingly diverse and electrically cool city I continue be incredibly envious of those who reside in France, It's such a lovely country.

Keep up the good work!
14 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNadia
Mon plaisir, Nadia! I hope you like the issue. I share your envy for those living in France, so beautiful. Thanks a lot for your kind words, much appreciated. Bisous
14 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

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