I Want To Be A Roitfeld

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quoi de neuf
Carine Roitfeld




Julia Restoin-Roitfeld




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« Julia Restoin-Roitfeld: Lacy In Red | Main | Review: Vogue Paris December 2010/January 2011 Issue »

Carine Roitfeld In The Crowd

Pierre-Alban HF asked me to share his wonderful photographs of Carine Roitfeld, Julia Restoin-Roitfeld, Giovanna Battaglia, and other fashion favorites with you and I am thrilled to oblige. I particularly love the playfulness between Carine and Emmanuelle Alt that he captures in the first two shots. He refers to the two women as "Icônes — drôles et impertinentes — d'une presse mode décompléxée. Carine Roitfeld et Emmanuelle Alt respirent la mode et sa liberté, son insolence." or in English, "Icons — amusing and impertinent — of a non-taboo fashion press. Carine Roitfeld and Emmanuelle Alt exude fashion and its liberty, its insolence." Please visit Pierre's site, The Crowd Magazine, to view more of his fine work. Merci mille fois, Pierre !

Carine Roitfeld

Julia Restoin-Roitfeld

Emmanuelle Alt

Geraldine Saglio

Giovanna BattagliaCarine Roitfeld et al photographs © 2010 Pierre-Alban HF. All Rights Reserved.

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Reader Comments (33)

How fierce are they?!
5 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlongredthread
Ok--fashion is so much about looks right? Alright--it's ALL about looks. That being the case--Carine looks ROUGH in the black and white photo. She looks like she's been dancing with Mr. Brownstone. Shocking.
5 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroncet
OMG, Is Carine Roitfeld really carrying a handbag in BOTH pictures? I can't believe it!
5 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKate
dear god i love their shoes!
5 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJustyna
Giovanna Battaglia is so ugly, really ugly, Lilly Donaldson was much better than her, Vladimir is really stupid.....Do you saw Lilly's photos from Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2010??? she looked amazing, really amazing........
6 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjack24
The images of Carine and Emmanuelle at Place Vendôme are fabulous! I think you already know what I think about Emmanuelle's trousers but Carine has got it down! Just a tiny peak of her midriff shows that Carine is all about breaking rules whilst looking sophisticated and hot as hell. I've been think a lot about age and style, and Carine and ADR always come to mind.

Carine has much shorter hair in the first 2 images, doesn't she? I prefer it longer but here it adds to the edginess of the ensemble. What a fashion icon!
6 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMilla
Carine is seemingly so lacking in ego. That's just the type of thing that her counter-part Anna would not do...smile and be playful. That's exactly why we love her, uber stylish, cool and real.
6 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commentercupcake
I am in love with your site, the Roitfeld's are a great source of inspiration for me as well!

Best regards,
Sabrina K.
7 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSK
The black and white pictures are awsome!

7 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterIsabel
Very beautiful pictures! Carine is beauty, I like Julia's bag, she has very good style, like her mother of course. Emmanuelle is also person that I admire she is one of the best stylists. The first picture is so cool. Thank you.
7 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commentermaya
They define fierce, longredthread!!
7 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Oh, Oncet, you do make me chuckle. Carine certainly has a rock touch, but dancing with Mr. Brownstone? Come on! If she is, that would end my interest in the family. One of many points on which John Wesley Walsh and I firmly agree.

; )
7 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Nice attention to detail, Kate! I seriously love that Chanel bag she is wearing in the first two photos, it is tough.
7 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Moi aussi, Justyna. I doubt I will ever tire of those Alaïas.
7 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Errrr, thank you for your thoughtful remark, jack24. I gather you have read enough of the site to realize you will encounter some disagreement regarding your assessment of Giovanna Battaglia. I personally find her much more memorable and intriguing than Lily Donaldson, regardless of Lily's beauty and charms. Giovanna is not only beautiful, she dresses impeccably, speaks multiple languages, and inspires countless writers, photographers, and artists worldwide with her presence. Again, Lily is a model, a beautiful one, but so far I have not seen much more of a contribution from her. Giovanna already did her modeling stint, a muse to the house of Dolce & Gabbana among others. I applaud Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld for his fine taste in women.
7 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Milla! I am delighted that you like the images and love that you identify the background. Love that you seized on that sliver of tummy, she is one yummy mummy! I prefer her hair longer as well. Notice that the two icons that you mentioned manage to transcend age with daily pilates and yoga, so keep it up!!
7 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Cupcake: Yes! Yes! Yes!

7 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
I did see it, longredthread, and I thank you for mentioning it.
7 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Sabrina, thank you for your kind comment, you made my day! I hope you will find lots of inspiration here. Additionally must note that beginning your comment with "I am in love with your site" and ending it with "Best regards" makes me simply adore you! Welcome and I hope that you will visit often.

Yours sincerely,
7 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
So glad you like the pics, Isabel! xx
7 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
My pleasure, Maya! Happy to hear you like the photos, I like Emmanuelle also and it is nice to be able to include her. Geraldine, too!!
7 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Seeing that you and Mr. Walsh agree on so much together, Mlle. de Boer, maybe some of his powers of observation with which he exercised his skills as a cop in Chicago might rub off on you. If you Look at my original comment, you might see the key word I used repeatedly, thus exonerating me from any such accusation. But my oh my does she Ever.
8 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroncet
Look, buddy...

Here come two words for you...
8 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

Why Mlle. de Boer--how your tone has changed!

I thought you were putting it out
8 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroncet
Take a walk.
8 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
As much as I like Emmanuelle and her 'je ne sais quoi' style, at a certain point in one's life makeup can do wonders. And I'm so over that Balmain look.....

Great pics though and Carine can you send me your Alaia shoes? We know you look good in them, now it is our turn ;-)

9 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLe Choix Trois
@ LCT I'm with you on the make-up. She doesn't have to go overboard but just a little something, particularly as one gets older.

9 décembre 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMilla
Ok, so, Julia gets carved up like a turkey on Thankgiving for her Abed Mahfouz from 11/22/10--yet Carine escapes here unscathed. What do I know, I guess, right?

File under Just when you think you are beginning to understand something, you realize you don't know a cotton pickin thing.
9 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroncet
LOL, Le Choix Trois! Way to tell it like it is! I want a turn with the Alaïas...

; )

9 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Milla, it is funny you should say that as I actually wear less makeup than I did before. I basically stick to eye makeup and let it go at that. What enhancements would you suggest for Emmanuelle?

9 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Oncet, at least you managed to stir up some mischief with this one! Perhaps expectations for Julia are higher... I actually thought you understood the psychology pretty well.
9 décembre 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina
Between you and I yes--but no one else touched it. Veddy intedestink...
9 décembre 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroncet

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