The Roitfelds In Exterieur/Nuit - YSL

We get only a glimpse of Vogue Paris editor-in-chief Carine Roitfeld and her daughter Julia in this video titled Extérieur/Nuit - YSL from Nast Magazine but it is worth it just to see their gorgeous smiles in tandem. I realized how seldom Julia is photographed with her teeth exposed, hmmmm. I like the use of black and white here, it adds a crisp noir feeling as people come and go at the most recent Yves Saint Laurent show in Paris. The parade of Parisian chaussures is an amusing end to the short piece.
Carine Roitfeld and Julia Restoin-Roitfeld image stills © 2010 NAST. All Rights Reserved.

Reader Comments (15)
What a cute little film! Loving the shoe emphasis!
i like this a lot!!
Hi, Kate! Moi aussi, I picture Paris as an endless parade of fabulous shoes anyway.
; )
Hi, Jane! So glad you like, especially with your expert eye...
: D
You are right Kellina, Julia hardly ever shows her teeth, although they are divine with that little gap between the front teeth, which makes her sooooo sexy and gives her an edge!
Great video too!
Hi, Amina! I remember reading that the French have some issue regarding showing the teeth in general but I can't remember the specifics. Hers are divine, j'adore the distinctive little gap she has.
Happy to hear you enjoyed the video!
: D
We rarely get to see them smile together - how lucky are we!?
The French see excessive smiling as vulgar and something false (in fact, it is often associated with American tourists...*). Even smiling at the person sitting at the next table in a café is considered bad taste, and if the person happens to be of the opposite sex, it is an invitation to come over and chat you up. I was told this, but had to learn the hard way...
(If interested in knowing more about French culture, I highly recommend Culture Shock! Paris by Frances Gendlin. The shocking part? Just how accurate the book is!)
Milla, merci mille fois for sharing your wonderful inside information! I appreciate your book recommendation as well, I cannot wait to read this.
(I was just about to type a smiley face to you, how nonfrench of me
!must also halt my overuse of exclamation points at once!How will I express myself?!)Hi Kellina! I recently went flipping through past posts and saw the one about Julia's Monchichi doll, but I wondered if you knew anything about the beautiful quilt the dolls were laying on in this picture --->
I'm coucou for it! Thanks, and for the great blogging!
Bonjour, anumbrellaindoors, et merci beaucoup ! I had noticed the quilt that you mention but I do not have any more information about it. It does look homemade but whether a family heirloom or a vintage find I do not know.
Milla, another question about this custom: why is Carine renowned for smiling then? Is it because she is such a rebellious code breaker?
I really don't know Kellina, good question! Maybe she just thinks "I'm Carine Roitfeld and I'll smile if I want to". Who knows?!
It's actually rather depressing how rarely people smile here; in such a beautiful city, there is nothing to stop us smiling. At first I thought it was just me, but our non-French guests and non-French people I meet, all say the same thing (as does the book).
I think Carine looks much more beautiful when she smiles but I have to admit that it does throw me off a little...
Perhaps it is the passionate Russian in Carine's blood overcoming the French resistance to smiling...
; )
I agree that she looks even more beautiful with a smile and I still find it odd that the whole city walks around without smiles. Odd!
Great pics! Love the last one especially. Carine looks amazing!
Cece, she looks so young and exuberant in that last one. I love it too.