Julia Restoin-Roitfeld's Library

Muito obrigada to my friend Sil for when I visited her blog Li em Algum Lugar, or in English "I read somewhere," I remembered that we have yet to explore the library of Julia Restoin-Roitfeld. As you can see in the photographs of her apartment taken by Todd Selby last year, Julia has an admirable collection of books but an aversion to shelves. Instead she stacks her books neatly against one wall of her living room, ever so chic and minimalist.
Clearly her brother Vladimir is not the only one in the family with a taste for photography and art, along with film these topics are the focus in most of the volumes seen here with chronologically archived issues of Vogue Paris comprising the remainder. Following is a list of les livres de Julia Restoin-Roitfeld. A few of the titles are out of print but I have linked to more information about the books if available. What are your thoughts on Mademoiselle Restoin-Roitfeld's library?
Portraits Richard Avedon
Small Wars An-My Lê
Woman in the Mirror: 1945-2004 Richard Avedon
Nudes Thomas Ruff
Tempo, Tempo! The Bauhaus Photomontages of Marianne Brandt Elizabeth Otto
Collection Privée Benno Graziani
Let Me In! Mario Testino
Self Service Spring/Summer 2008
Basic Forms of Industrial Buildings
Field Trips Robert Smithson/Bernd & Hilla Becher
Brigitte Bardot
Marilyn: A Biography Norman Mailer
The Rolling Stones: The First Twenty Years David Dalton
Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph
Christian Dior
Close Up Martin Schoeller
Photographs of Julia Restoin-Roitfeld and her library © 2009 Todd Selby. All Rights Reserved.

Reader Comments (8)
The simplicity of image one is magnificent! More over, I love that her floor is polished so well that one can read the book titles off it! My type of woman - tidy, has a great book collection and loves a LBD.
Hi, Milla! I am so glad that you noted the detail of the reflecting floors, isn't it gorgeous?!
I love the Roitfeld, the mother and the daughter. Julia is so sexy but manages to keep a chic and clean touch. When I see her library, I understand the origin of her fabulous style.
Bonjour, Madame M! Thank you so much for visiting. May I add, however, that her mother as well as her library may have influenced that fabulous style?
; )
I loved the surprise! That's the reason why we want to be a Roitfeld or Battaglia. Books and magazines help to turn us better persons. I hope that now you understand the post. Muito obrigada e beijos do Brazil! www.liemalgumlugar.blogspot.com
Sil, I am so glad you liked it! I am thrilled that you took the time to make such a long translation for me, muito obrigada! Thank you also for making the wonderful point in the comment above, books give us dreams and ways to make them happen, they are quite magical.
She only keeps that many books in her flat? I'd die of boredom if my books weren't at least waist-high in a pile- and I'm only a poor college student, haha. But then, the lady has easy access to Vogue Paris- and as reading/looking-at material, that is pretty fantastic. And lucky her, having big books that are easy to stack.
Love the shiny floor, though. Whoever cleans it deserves a medal.
Hi, Dru! Interesting observation, between the number of books and the lack of shelves, i interpret this as she is not planning to stay.
; )
The floors are gorgeous, I concur.