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Julia Restoin-Roitfeld




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Julia Restoin-Roitfeld: Today I'm Wearing

Vogue UK features a blog titled "Today I'm Wearing" on their web site and for the month of June they will focus on the style of none other than Julia Restoin-Roitfeld. Each morning we visit Julia's closet to see what she decides to wear. As JRR says, "Clothes can be either art or design but need a real purpose. To me they're a sort of pop art." She confesses that her style is sometimes rebellious and that she always dresses for herself. In the photograph above, Julia is wearing a dress by Emilio de la Morena that he made especially for her with shoes by Miu Miu, clutch by Jay Ahr, and bracelet by Lara Bohinc which Robert Konjic gave her to commemorate their first year together. I cannot wait to see tomorrow's outfit...

Julia Restoin-Roitfeld photograph © 2010 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.

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Reader Comments (12)

That's cool, an entire month of JRR outfits. Also, I can't believe it's been a year since she dumped Magnus and started hanging with Robert. Time sure does fly...

1 juin 2010 | Unregistered Commentermike

Yep, thirty glorious days of goodies from Julia's wardrobe are in store for us. Well, twenty nine now that we have seen the first day but who's counting?! Speaking of counting, it does seem unbelievable that a whole year has elapsed since she and Konjic began dating but 'tis true.

1 juin 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

GREAT Vogue Uk!!
I LOVE her style!

I think I'll be taking daily trips to Vogue UK for the first time ever! That green dress is one of the most beautiful ensembles Julia has ever worn. Seriously considering changing my name to "Eternally Jealous"!

Enjoy, FASHIÓN!!

: D

2 juin 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

LOL, Milla, I hear you! Did you see the photo posted of Julia for today? More of those becoming colors in her DVF mini dress, j'adore!!

2 juin 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

It's true we all want to see what she's wearing every day! What a great idea.

3 juin 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKate

hi kellina - i really like the look of your blog - i need to develop a blog for work and was hoping to use your infrastructure as a starting point - could you advise - i have put my email in. thanks

3 juin 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPhillipaA

Fabulous, isn't it, Kate?! That reminds me, I need to check to see Julia's outfit for today...


3 juin 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

YAY! (I'm so dorky, I said this outloud) I'm definitely going to be checking in to see what JRR is wearing.

Thanks for highlighting this kellina!

3 juin 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTanya

No worries, Tanya! There is nothing dorky about Roitfeld enthusiasm as far as we are concerned. And this is seriously exciting—30 days, 30 Julia outfits? YAY!!!!

; )

3 juin 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

Day 4: Doing such a Carine pose, which we love! Milla doesn't like that scarf at all though. Hideous!

4 juin 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMilla

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