Vogue Paris Translation: Editorial, August 2010

Below is my translation from French to English of Carine Roitfeld's editorial for the August issue of Vogue Paris. The images that she chose to illustrate her text are portraits of the nine models used for the editorial of 64 total looks. I would have translated the passage for you sooner but unbelievably I have yet to receive my copy from my subscription by mail! I finally bought the issue at the newsstand because I could not wait (or risk missing it altogether in the likely event that my subscription issue fails to arrive). So apologies for the delay and curses to Amazon.com's magazine subscription service. Happy summer...
C'est le plein été et la rentrée est un horizon lointain auquel on ne souhaite pas penser. L'heure est à la détente, à la vie en roue libre, au sommeil des responsabilités. Pour accompagner cet état d'esprit de farniente, nous vous offrons une promenade en mer exclusive sur le nouveau yacht de Giorgio Armani : un vaisseau high-tech vert profond, minimalisme ultra-raffiné, qui démode tous les spécimens marins des autres milliardaires. Un cadre idyllique pour des vacances nomades en méditerranée.
Ne pas penser à la rentrée, d'accord, mais pourquoi se priver de ce qu'elle réserve de plus excitant ? A commencer par ses contours mode. Suite au succès colossal rencontré par le numéro d' août de l'année dernière, nous avons à nouveau sélectionné 64 total looks de créateurs interprétés par David Sims et la rédaction pour toutes les circonstances de la vie trépidante d' une femme active au style sans concession. Et histoire que le cerveau ne soit pas en reste, tous les temps forts culturels de l'automne sont au rendez-vous : Woody Allen, Bret Easton Ellis, Tilda Swinton, la révélation Lea, etc. Sans oublier un petit guide indispensable des adresses favorites des stars aux quatre coins du globe. C'est le plein été, une vue plongeante sur la rentrée grâce à Vogue. Vous n'allez pas vous ennuyer.
Summer is in full swing and its end is a remote horizon that one does not wish to consider. It is the time for relaxation, the freewheeling life, the slumber of responsibilities. To accompany this state of the spirit of idleness, we offer you an exclusive boat trip on the new yacht of Giorgio Armani: a deep green high-tech vessel, ultra-refined minimalism, which makes obsolete all the marine specimens of other billionaires. An idyllic framework for nomadic vacations in the Mediterranean.
Don't think of summer's end, fine, but why deny oneself the most exciting part? To commence with the contours of fashion. Following the colossal success met by the August issue last year, we again selected 64 total looks of designers interpreted by David Sims and edited for all the circumstances of the hectic life of a professional woman with uncompromising style. To avoid the mind taking a complete vacation, we have covered the cultural highlights of autumn for you: Woody Allen, Bret Easton Ellis, Tilda Swinton, the revealing of Lea, etc. Without forgetting a small indispensable guide to the favorite addresses of stars from all over the world. At the height of summer, we have a bird's eye view of its end thanks to Vogue. You will not be bored.
[Editor's note: The original translation has been altered based on comments by francophone.]
Vogue Paris editorial image © 2010 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.

Reader Comments (8)
just some suggestions...
'it's the height of summer' or even 'summer is in full swing' might be a more fluid translation of 'c'est le plein été.'
also - 'reentry' does not really capture the cultural event that is 'la rentrée' in france. 'the end of summer', 'the return to work' would be better options, although there is no real idiomatic equivalent.
'l'heure est à la détente' - might be better rendered by 'the time is for relaxation' or 'it is the time for relaxing.'
re: 'why deprive oneself to keep it more exciting' - i think the sense of the French is more 'but why deny oneself its most exciting qualities' or something to that effect.
'Et histoire que le cerveau ne soit pas en reste' - i feel the meaning here is more 'and to avoid the mind taking a complete vacation, we have covered autumn's cultural highlights for you.' that would be a very free/abstract translation, but gets the basic sense across better.
une femme active = a set expression for a 'working woman' or 'professional woman.'
finally, 'vue plongeante' is normally the technical term in French for a 'birds eye view.'
love your commitment to the roitfelds! keep up the good work!
Thanks for the translation, Kellina.
Thank you for your suggestions, francophone. I have attempted to teach myself French over the last five years and clearly I have a long way to go.
My pleasure, Michael. Thank you for your comment. xx
no, your french is really good! its just that i have done a translation course this year and wanted to help! xoxo
merci mille fois, francophone! you did help. what do you think of the revised translation? is there a resource that you can recommend to increase my knowledge of idioms? xoxo
think the revised version is great! 'summer's end' as a translation of 'la rentrée' sounds especially poetic - sure Carine would approve! She really does have a way with words...
For checking over idioms and set expressions, I find wordreference.com to be really helpful. The forums in particular - you can post queries and native speakers will reply literally within minutes.
love the blog and would be happy to help out translating any time in the future! xoxo
wonderful! thanks, francophone! i will check out wordreference.com, i appreciate the tip. so happy to hear that you love the blog. it would be terrific to have your help with future translations, would you mind sharing your email? xoxo