Carine Roitfeld: Ma Poulette Quel Style!

Before ruling the roost at Vogue Paris, Carine Roitfeld was employed as a freelance stylist with the magazine, creating memorable work such as this editorial from the February 1995 issue, “Ma Poulette Quel Style!” (or in English, "My little hen, what style!”). The little hen in question is Meghan Douglas; with brilliant red hair the color of a cock’s comb, I can see how Carine was inspired. Julien d'Ys did a masterful job of styling her hair and Stéphane Marais was impeccable with her makeup while Mario Testino worked his magic behind the lens. Carine describes the story we see: “John Galliano pratique la mode sans forcément se soucier de son aspect pratique. Il propose un rêve ambulant : l'égérie en pied-de-poule, la déesse en piqué blanc. Une nouvelle façon d'être sublime.” or in English, “John Galliano practices fashion without necessarily worrying about its practicality. He offers a walking dream: the muse in houndstooth, the goddess in white piqué. A new way to be sublime.” Carine Roitfeld knows what we want every time — a new way to be sublime. Rooster chic? I say cock-a-doodle-do.
Also from 1995
"Séville en mantille" Vogue Paris
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Vogue Paris editorial © 1995 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.

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