Introducing… Sarra Salib, Contributing Editor

I am thrilled to introduce the latest member of the IWTBAR team — Sarra Salib, contributing editor! You may remember Sarra's passionate essay "Carine Roitfeld: The One and Only," which won the first ever contest hosted on IWTBAR, or her eloquent review of The Little Black Jacket. I look forward to Sarra sharing her thoughts with all of us through these pages, please take a moment to welcome her to the editorial team.
Sarra Salib
Contributing Editor
Hello to all the amazing readers of IWTB!
My name is Sarra (yes, that’s right, it’s two R’s...), and I was born and raised in Egypt. My family moved to California when I was 11 years old, and I’ve been living the California Dreamin’ ever since. Although I spoke no word of English when I moved here, it came so naturally to me that I now consider it my first language. After finishing high school with valedictorian honors, I journeyed on to UCLA for two years, but decided once and for all to return to the most beauteous San Diego.
These events have added up to influence me as an individual in ways I cannot express, but the most influential person so far has been Carine Roitfeld. Through her, I discovered the beauty and functionality of minimalism, the true meaning of style, and the fact that fashion should be seen as art and not be taken so seriously sometimes.
I am so inexplicably thrilled to be part of the team, and I hope to write my best to show my love for everything fashion, Parisian, and Carine!
All my thanks, and let’s shine on you crazy diamonds!
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