Roitfeld And Battaglia At Purple Magazine Party

The charming couple Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld and Giovanna Battaglia were spotted at the Purple Magazine party. Giovanna certainly has a thing for ruffles right now, I can't remember the last time she wore an outfit without them. This time however she looks so refined and elegant, ultraclassic yet supremely modern. Though we can barely see them in this photograph, note the perfect accessory to that dress: the thigh high boots. The navy blue is a beautiful color on her, especially with the black boots. Vladimir is also looking classically modern in the white V neck tshirt and black jacket, very debonair.
Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld and Giovanna Battaglia at Purple Magazine party photograph courtesy of

Reader Comments (2)
Hello Kellina,
This is completely unrelated to your update, but interesting none the less. Alas, Gourmet Magazine is no more.,0,7266456.story
Maybe Carine will have to take a reduction in her salary?
"These changes, combined with cost and workforce reductions now underway throughout the company, will speed the recovery of our current businesses and enable us to pursue new ventures," Chief Executive Charles H. Townsend said.
Among those new initiatives, to be detailed in the coming weeks, he said, are digital versions of the company's brands using "new devices and distribution channels."
Thank you, darling. I am saddened but not surprised to hear this news. After all, having a "reputation for being expensive to publish" is the kiss of death in this era. At least you still have Bon Appetit.
Yikes, edging closer to home I read that the ad pages in Vogue are down 33%. Perhaps it will not be Carine taking a cut in her salary...