Julia Restoin-Roitfeld In Kult

Julia Restoin-Roitfeld looks sultry on the cover of the fall/winter issue of Italian magazine Kult. The caption in Italian reads, "Figlia della fashion hgh society, creative director, testimonial e modella di base a New York City, Julia Restoin-Roitfeld, è la nuova icona di stile. Libera, impertinente, ribelle e seducente. Julia allo specchio." In English this translates roughly as, "Daughter of fashion hgh society, creative director, spokesperson and model based in New York City, Julia Restoin-Roitfeld is the new style icon. Free, cheeky, rebellious and seductive. Julia is a mirror."
Julia Restoin-Roitfeld images courtesy of Kult Magazine

I overlooked the words on the cover of Kult underneath Julia Restoin-Roitfeld's name initially. I decided to add an update just to share them because they are so wise: first as written in the original Italian, ‹‹Da teenager cercavo sempre di assomigliare a qualcun altro. Finché un giorno finalmente ho deciso di essere me stessa.›› and then in English, "As a teenager I was always trying to be like someone else. Until one day I finally decided to be myself."

Reader Comments (4)
Oh God, it's been a long time... :(
I've been so overwhelmed (and continue to be) with my work load, that I haven't had time to look left or right. Due to the holiday season there's so much to tie together before my tutors disappear for a good two weeks!
I figured it's best to start with a completely clean slate in the new year right?
I have to ask, Gossip Girl? hehe, please say yes, I'm dying to discuss it haha...
How have you been keeping?
I'll review our exchange in emails and mail back tmw re. that :)
Hi, Kaya, I am very busy with work and the holidays right now, too. No time for Gossip Girl either but hopefully soon. Good luck with wrapping up school. Talk to you later!
Happy Holidays!
She makes the perfect model - no matter what, she manages to captivate you and keep you looking for more. I love that she doesn't have to be half naked or slutty to command your attention. Yes, Milla likes.
Personally, black & white images are always better but with Julia, they equal perfection.
Fabulous point, Milla! Julia keeps her clothes on AND keeps you guessing, a lot of women should take note...