Julia In Chains

Julia Restoin-Roitfeld was captured on film by photographer (and former beau) Magnus Berger in a surrealistic portrait that he titled "Julia In Chains." The work effectively blurs the lines between art and fashion, transcending clichés to create a memorable composition. Multiple images have been layered to make Julia appear to fade into the sepia tinted shadows and the intensity of her eyes sharpens the contrast. Julia is wearing the gold chains from Givenchy's Fall/Winter 2008 ready-to-wear collection.
"Julia In Chains" photograph of Julia Restoin-Roitfeld © 2009 Magnus Berger. All Rights Reserved.

Reader Comments (25)
That picture is freaking me out!
Don't freak, baby... la freak, c'est chic !
I must agree with Mike - rather scary!
oh it's really quite wonderful...must check out magnus' work...thanks for sharing kellina...!
(oh and it is incredible, well not that incredible, it's her mother...heheh but julia really looks like carine in some photos don't you think? oh and...i say "beau" too...great word...;))
Folks, whether you find this portrait freaky or wonderful, it is a powerful image that definitely leaves an impression. Always happy to share the wonder, Jane! And, yes, sometimes Julia bears such a strong resemblance to Carine it amazes me. It's even more amazing because it is so strong but it is only in some photos. If she always looked just like her mum, it wouldn't be the same. Either way she is one very lucky girl!
Hey again, Jane, also meant to say I am so glad that we share a fondness for the word "beau." It sounds much more sophisticated than "boyfriend" plus you call him handsome at the same time.
; )
oh yes!!! ;))
here you can learn this song and sing it to him:
Jane, thank you for this enchanting song! I will work on it. Right now I am trying to memorize "Un jour comme un autre" as sung by Bardot.
: D
WOW! This image is mesmerizing!
Hi, Suzanne! It certainly is. Thank you for stopping by.
Perhaps this is how Magnus really saw Julia...
That's a profound thought, darling, only what exactly is "this"?
Eery (aka freaking you out ; p)...
In chains...
Psychotic perhaps? (Kidding...)
heh. silly. i am going to tickle you for that one.
Is she really wearing nothing beneath those chains? I can make out just the faintest outline. I think.
Err, interesting question, Everett. I am not sure, only the chains were mentioned in the original description of the portrait.
A man can dream.
Jane, I am SO loving the song you recommended that I learn. Merci encore !
I just had the funniest thought—this composition wouldn't work at all if Julia were blonde!
; )
this woman is seriously gorgeous! where has she been all of my life? lol
Why am I obsessed with her?
I hope that FrenchCactus on Fashion Spot will not mind if I quote her here:
"Beautiful! I think she should stick to being a muse to such projects instead of working for tacky Esprit for example."
I completely agree with your wise counsel, FrenchCactus, well said.
Oh, wow! Eerie but beautiful.
I am not sure where to put this, but it seems that there is no post on this, but Julia modeled Prism eyeglasses by Anna Laub.
Julia Restoin Roitfeld in Prism glasses (bottom left)
Hi, Sonya! Thank you so much for the info about the Prism eyeglasses campaign. Instead of keeping it in all three comments, I'll put up a post about it.
Merci encore!