I Want To Be A Roitfeld

Kellina de Boer

Dara Block

Jessica Eritou
Renee Hernandez
Bernie Rothschild

quoi de neuf
Carine Roitfeld




Julia Restoin-Roitfeld




Beauty Products


Beauty Secrets

Style Tips



Mademoiselle C

Mademoiselle C (2013)
Directed by Fabien Constant

IWTB Interview:
Fabien Constant




Harper's Bazaar

carine roitfeld: irreverent

I Want To Be An Alt

I Want To Be A Coppola

I Want To Be A Battaglia


Tom Ford
By Tom Ford


Yves Saint Laurent 
By Roxanne Lowit


The Big Book of the Hamptons
By Michael Shnayerson


A Message for You
By Guy Bourdin


Dior: The Legendary Images
By Florence Muller


Marella Agnelli: The Last Swan
By Maria Agnelli


Fashionable Selby
By Todd Selby


O.Z. Diary
By Olivier Zahm 

Entries in Art (105)


Julia Restoin Roitfeld: Art For Love

Julia Restoin Roitfeld by Pamela Hanson

Would you like to own this portrait of Julia Restoin Roitfeld by Pamela Hanson? Don’t miss your chance to add this work to your personal art collection, if the price is right… Julia posed as part of a project titled “Art For Love,” an exhibition of images by 32 photographers curated by Fabien Baron and organized by Moncler in celebration of their “Maya” puffer jacket.

When asked about the inspiration behind the puffer jacket as subject, Remo Ruffini, the president of Moncler, replied: “I chose the Maya jacket as the ‘subject’ of this project because it represents [the brand’s] heritage, and is at the same time so iconic that these master lensmen could interpret it as they wished. The exhibition features extraordinary images by masters of the camera who use their very own language to depict love as the bedrock of the life of human beings… It’s something really incredible because we gave [the photographers] the freedom; we didn’t give them any brief. We said you have to do exactly you, and that was really the key... You really see the jacket but in different ways. In some pictures it looks like a sports jacket, in some pictures it looks like a piece of art.”

Francesco Carrozzini and Franca Sozzani

The “Art For Love” images were exhibited privately at an exclusive opening event at the New York Public Library and the guest list was sublime: of course Julia Restoin Roitfeld was among the guests as well as Lucky Blue and Pyper America Smith, the current faces of Moncler, Franca Sozzani, Francesco Carrozzini, Giovanna Battaglia, Terry Richardson, Paolo Roversi, Pamela Hanson, Margherita and Teresa Missoni, and Eva Cavalli.

The proceeds from “Art For Love” will help to fund research by Carine Roitfeld’s favorite charity, amfAR, via their project Countdown to a Cure for AIDS. Julia herself wrote on Instagram: “So proud to be part of the @moncler x @amfar exhibition shot by @pamela_hanson and curated by @fabienbaron #artforlove #amfar New York Public Library.” The photographs are on auction via Paddles through 29 September, bid now for your chance to own this exquisite portrait of Julia Restoin Roitfeld.

Lucky Blue Smith and Pyper America Smith

The list of photographers involved in the “Art For Love” project reads like a Who’s Who of today's tops from A to Z…

Camilla Akrans
David Bailey
Lachlan Bailey
Fabien Baron
Patrick Demarchelier
Arthur Elgort
Hans Feurer
Pamela Hanson
Ben Hassett
Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin
Mikael Jansson
Steven Klein
Brigitte Lacombe
Annie Leibovitz
Peter Lindbergh
Roxanne Lowit
Craig McDean
Alasdair McLellan
Raymond Meier
Steven Meisel
Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott 
Guido Mocafico
Josh Olins
Ezra Petronio
Terry Richardson
Paolo Roversi
David Sims
Mario Sorrenti
Sølve Sundsbø
Willy Vanderperre
Bruce Weber
Olivier Zahm

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Julia Restoin Roitfeld et al at Moncler for amfAR photos © 2015 Moncler and Condé Nast and courtesy of Instagram. All Rights Reserved.


Carine Roitfeld: 7 Cardinal Scenes

When I read the artist statement by Rebecca Dayan yesterday I was reminded of the piece “7 Cardinal Scenes” from the Vogue Hommes International Spring/Summer 2008 issue under the direction of Carine Roitfeld. Asked to submit an inspiring erotic image, the seven subjects happily complied. The editorial opens as follows: “It is a well-known fact that erotic images chanced upon whilst flicking through a magazine or visiting an exhibition sometimes become ingrained on their beholders’ minds and imaginations. In a ‘Vogue Homes International’ exclusive, seven stars reveal the powerful visions that stoked and fired their libidos.”


“I had this poster over my bed, in California, when I was ten years old. Every morning I’d open my eyes to this vision of Farrah Fawcett. Her hair, her smile, the colors on the cover pulled taut behind her. It looked like an ice cream ad. I also remember vividly that you could see her breasts through her t-shirt… this image made a lasting impression on me.”


The Postman Always Rings Twice, the sex scene on the kitchen table, with Jack Nicholson, and Jessica Lange in beige stocking and garters. Unforgettable.”


“I see the mechanical world as a source of eroticism. An example would certainly be a shiny piston in a cylinder. I go for this photograph taken by Bettina Hubby. The subject has all the mechanics necessary to be considered erotic. But the dilemma should be which do you attend to first?”


“Looking at The Origin of the World, there’s a sense of birth and desire at the same time, an awareness of your own mortality. It is the alpha and the omega.”


“Picasso’s Bathers is erotic not because of its overt sexual nature, but because of its abandonment, the amount of enjoyment he suggests the women are having, and, of course, because of the pleasure Picasso himself — and the viewer with him — is taking in looking at these women.”


“Hippolyte Flandrin’s Figure d’Etude is an early erotic image for me. I saw it in a book in high school. There have been many others like it and in ‘Paranoid Park’ we have a similar image.”


“The nude wrestling scene from the film Women in Love with Alan Bates and Oliver Reed, 1969. For some strange reason I accompanied my parents to this film in the theatre when I was eight years old.There is this scene where the two actors take off their clothes and wrestle naked in front of a fireplace. I was riveted and not really sure why, but I knew that I found this very interesting.”

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Vogue Hommes International editorial images © 2008 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.


Julia Restoin Roitfeld: Friend To Art And Fashion

Ever the loyal friend, Julia Restoin Roitfeld turned out to support the burgeoning careers of two women last night in New York City. First Julia appeared at the debut of the fashion collaboration between her friend Margherita Missoni and Peroni Nastro Azzurro, looking luminous in a black satin and lace camisole tucked into a black pencil skirt belted at the waist. The collaboration launched on the rooftop of Gramercy Park Hotel. Others in attendance included Jessica Hart, Rachel Zoe, Margherita Missoni, Teresa Maccapani Missoni, and Charlotte Ronson, pictured below with JRR.

Julia then moved on to the first solo art exhibition by her friend Rebecca Dayan at Catherine Ahnell Gallery. I really like the style of Dayan’s watercolor portraits, she has a beautiful touch. Regarding the inspiration behind her work, the French artist shared: “I became fascinated by religious iconography depicting religious ecstasy and the inherent human need to find meaning and solace in altered states — communing with a higher power through religion, sex, drugs, money, etc. There is an inherent need in all of us to imbue ideas, symbols, and people with meaning in order to fight the inevitable. Most of the time we distract ourselves to not face the truth, until we reach moments of freedom and bliss. It is in these small fleeting moments that I am interested.” The Rebecca Dayan exhibition “MORES” runs through 11 October in NYC if you would like to see her paintings for yourself.

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Julia Restoin Roitfeld et al photos courtesy of instagram.com and © 2015 Getty Images. All Rights Reserved.


Paper Dolls: Carine Roitfeld

Paper Dolls: Carine Roitfeld
By SP Medina

Inspired by the style of Carine Roitfeld and Sofia Coppola, SP Medina graciously created these illustrations featured here especially for us as part of her "Paper Dolls" series. I love this photo of the artist in her studio, I hope she will not mind if I include it! Thank you kindly for sharing your talent with all of us, SP! Visit SP Medina Art Gallery to see more of her work.

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Carine Roitfeld illustrations and SP Medina photograph © 2014 SP Medina. All Rights Reserved.


Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld For Redmilk

Molte grazie to the marvelous Francesca Berti for today's guest post, she graciously offered to translate from Italian to English an interview that Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld granted to Candela Novembre for Redmilk. I hope readers will enjoy learning more about the latest exhibit organized by Vlad, "After Modern Vermin Control," as well as a few of his personal preferences, particularly his feelings for stilettos...

Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld For Redmilk
By Francesca Berti

Candela Novembre incontra per Redmilk Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld. In questa occasione il talentuoso gallerista le ha presentato in anteprima la mostra che ha curato insieme a Nicolò Cardi, "After Modern Vermin Control" dell'artista francese Nicolas Pol in esposizione fino al 15 dicembre presso la Cardi Black Box di Milano.

Qual è la prima cosa che fai quando ti svegli?
Mi lavo i denti.

E l’ultima prima di andare a dormire?
Mi lavo i denti.

Che cosa ti viene in mente se ti dico arte?

Quando capisci che ti trovi di fronte a un capolavoro?
C’è sempre un’emozione quando si vede un quadro e io credo che sia tutta questione di occhio e buon gusto. Quando vedi qualcosa di buono lo sai subito. Non hai bisogno di ricevere tante informazioni dall’artista riguardo quello che stai osservando. Devi solo seguire il tuo istinto quando ti trovi di fronte a un dipinto.

Se tu potessi essere un supereroe, quale sceglieresti?

Un sogno di quando eri bambino?
Diventare un giocatore di calcio.

Hai sogni per il futuro?
Fare il mio lavoro nel migliore dei modi e per più tempo possibile.

Il tuo pasto preferito al mondo?
In casa a Parigi, cenando in cucina con mia madre, mio padre e mia sorella: il miglior posto per una riunione di famiglia.

Vladimir è molto bravo nel…?
Sono molto bravo nell’organizzazione.

E invece cosa ti riesce male?

C’è qualcosa che non indosseresti mai?

Qual è l’ultima cosa che hai comprato?
Un dipinto di un artista americano.

La tua canzone preferita?
Dipende dal mio stato d’animo, non sono un tipo molto musicale. Posso godere ascoltando la radio o un vecchio mix degli anni ’80… In generale mi piace ascoltare musica che sollevi il mio umore o che mi dia più energia quando corro e faccio esercizio fisico.

Non puoi vivere senza…?
La mia famiglia.

Puoi vivere senza…?
Le persone cattive.

Candela Meets Vladimir
Redmilk, 17 October 2013

Candela Novembre met Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld for Redmilk. On this occasion the talented gallerist showed her a preview of the exhibition he has curated with Nicolò Cardi, entitled "After Modern Vermin Control," by the French artist Nicolas Pol, at the Cardi Black Box in Milan, until 15 December.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
I brush my teeth.

And the last before going to bed?
I brush my teeth.

What occurs to you if I say "art"?

When do you understand that you are in front of a masterpiece?
It’s an emotional reaction when you see a painting and I believe that it’s all about having an eye and trusting in your own taste. When you see something good, you know it immediately. You do not need to receive much information from the artist about what you are observing. You have only to follow your instinct when you stand in front a painting.

If you could be a superhero, which would you choose?

[Editor's note: In case you have never heard of Zidane, Francesca filled me in: "Zidane is not a real superhero but a French football player. He is famous for his rude/violent character and also for hurting an Italian football player during the World Cup!!"]

Your dream when you were a child?
Becoming a football player.

Do you have a dream for the future?
Do my job in the best way and for as long as possible.

Your favorite meal in the world?
At home in Paris, dining in the kitchen with my mother, my father, and my sister: the best place for a family reunion.

Vladimir is very good at…?
I’m very good at organization.

And you are very bad at…?

Is there something that you would never wear?

What was the last thing you bought?
A painting by an American artist.

What is your favorite song?
Depends on my mood, I’m not a very musical type. I can enjoy listening to the radio or an old mix of 80s. In general I like listening to music that lifts my mood or that gives me more energy when I run or I do exercise.

You cannot live without…?
My family.

You can live without…?
Bad people.

Translation from Italian to English by Francesca Berti

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Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld photos and text © 2013 Redmilk - P.IVA. All Rights Reserved.