I Want To Be A Roitfeld

Kellina de Boer

Dara Block

Jessica Eritou
Renee Hernandez
Bernie Rothschild

quoi de neuf
Carine Roitfeld




Julia Restoin-Roitfeld




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Mademoiselle C

Mademoiselle C (2013)
Directed by Fabien Constant

IWTB Interview:
Fabien Constant




Harper's Bazaar

carine roitfeld: irreverent

I Want To Be An Alt

I Want To Be A Coppola

I Want To Be A Battaglia


Tom Ford
By Tom Ford


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A Message for You
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Marella Agnelli: The Last Swan
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O.Z. Diary
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Entries in Sports (3)


Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld For Redmilk

Molte grazie to the marvelous Francesca Berti for today's guest post, she graciously offered to translate from Italian to English an interview that Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld granted to Candela Novembre for Redmilk. I hope readers will enjoy learning more about the latest exhibit organized by Vlad, "After Modern Vermin Control," as well as a few of his personal preferences, particularly his feelings for stilettos...

Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld For Redmilk
By Francesca Berti

Candela Novembre incontra per Redmilk Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld. In questa occasione il talentuoso gallerista le ha presentato in anteprima la mostra che ha curato insieme a Nicolò Cardi, "After Modern Vermin Control" dell'artista francese Nicolas Pol in esposizione fino al 15 dicembre presso la Cardi Black Box di Milano.

Qual è la prima cosa che fai quando ti svegli?
Mi lavo i denti.

E l’ultima prima di andare a dormire?
Mi lavo i denti.

Che cosa ti viene in mente se ti dico arte?

Quando capisci che ti trovi di fronte a un capolavoro?
C’è sempre un’emozione quando si vede un quadro e io credo che sia tutta questione di occhio e buon gusto. Quando vedi qualcosa di buono lo sai subito. Non hai bisogno di ricevere tante informazioni dall’artista riguardo quello che stai osservando. Devi solo seguire il tuo istinto quando ti trovi di fronte a un dipinto.

Se tu potessi essere un supereroe, quale sceglieresti?

Un sogno di quando eri bambino?
Diventare un giocatore di calcio.

Hai sogni per il futuro?
Fare il mio lavoro nel migliore dei modi e per più tempo possibile.

Il tuo pasto preferito al mondo?
In casa a Parigi, cenando in cucina con mia madre, mio padre e mia sorella: il miglior posto per una riunione di famiglia.

Vladimir è molto bravo nel…?
Sono molto bravo nell’organizzazione.

E invece cosa ti riesce male?

C’è qualcosa che non indosseresti mai?

Qual è l’ultima cosa che hai comprato?
Un dipinto di un artista americano.

La tua canzone preferita?
Dipende dal mio stato d’animo, non sono un tipo molto musicale. Posso godere ascoltando la radio o un vecchio mix degli anni ’80… In generale mi piace ascoltare musica che sollevi il mio umore o che mi dia più energia quando corro e faccio esercizio fisico.

Non puoi vivere senza…?
La mia famiglia.

Puoi vivere senza…?
Le persone cattive.

Candela Meets Vladimir
Redmilk, 17 October 2013

Candela Novembre met Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld for Redmilk. On this occasion the talented gallerist showed her a preview of the exhibition he has curated with Nicolò Cardi, entitled "After Modern Vermin Control," by the French artist Nicolas Pol, at the Cardi Black Box in Milan, until 15 December.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
I brush my teeth.

And the last before going to bed?
I brush my teeth.

What occurs to you if I say "art"?

When do you understand that you are in front of a masterpiece?
It’s an emotional reaction when you see a painting and I believe that it’s all about having an eye and trusting in your own taste. When you see something good, you know it immediately. You do not need to receive much information from the artist about what you are observing. You have only to follow your instinct when you stand in front a painting.

If you could be a superhero, which would you choose?

[Editor's note: In case you have never heard of Zidane, Francesca filled me in: "Zidane is not a real superhero but a French football player. He is famous for his rude/violent character and also for hurting an Italian football player during the World Cup!!"]

Your dream when you were a child?
Becoming a football player.

Do you have a dream for the future?
Do my job in the best way and for as long as possible.

Your favorite meal in the world?
At home in Paris, dining in the kitchen with my mother, my father, and my sister: the best place for a family reunion.

Vladimir is very good at…?
I’m very good at organization.

And you are very bad at…?

Is there something that you would never wear?

What was the last thing you bought?
A painting by an American artist.

What is your favorite song?
Depends on my mood, I’m not a very musical type. I can enjoy listening to the radio or an old mix of 80s. In general I like listening to music that lifts my mood or that gives me more energy when I run or I do exercise.

You cannot live without…?
My family.

You can live without…?
Bad people.

Translation from Italian to English by Francesca Berti

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Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld photos and text © 2013 Redmilk - P.IVA. All Rights Reserved.


The Roitfelds At Novak Djokovic Foundation Dinner

The second annual dinner to benefit the Novak Djokovic Foundation attracted fans of both tennis and fashion and especially radiant among the guests was Julia Restoin Roitfeld in a black lace gown by Peter Dundas for Pucci. Her YSL clutch is the perfect finishing touch to her sexy and elegant look. Speaking of sexy, the new haircut that Vladimir is sporting is très chic, I love this look for him.

Hosted by Novak Djokovic and Jelena Ristic at Capitale in Manhattan, the charitable evening amounted to $2.5 million raised by the foundation dedicated to the deprived children of Serbia, the country torn by war in which the world-ranked tennis player grew up. Other supporters seen that evening amidst the tennis-inspired decor were Princess Eugenie of York, John McEnroe, Naomi Campbell, Karolina Kurkova, Molly Sims, Jimmy Connors, Kevin Spacey, Lapo Elkan, Candice Swanepoel, Ricky Gervais, Goldie Hawn, Dree Hemingway, Dee and Tommy Hilfiger, Olivia Palermo, Joan Smalls, and Donna Karan.

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Julia and Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld photographs © 2013 Condé Nast and Getty Images.


CR Fashion Book: Dive Right In

The second issue of CR Fashion Book is due to publish in February and our initial peek at the magazine is fascinating... Stylist Mélanie Huynh shows the season’s resort looks with a splash of imagination in the editorial “Dive Right In.” Model Anmari Botha sports swimwear by Speedo and Arena underneath tops, shorts, skirts, and dresses by Balenciaga, Marc Jacobs, Lanvin, Chanel, and Calvin Klein. The pièce de résistance is the headgear — the Balenciaga turban and the swimcaps by Headcovers Unlimited — très sporty, très chic. The brilliant editorial was shot at Piscine Pontoise, Carine Roitfeld's favorite swimming pool in Paris, by Robert Nethery. After this seductive tease, I am certainly excited to see more of CR Fashion Book Issue 2…

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CR Fashion Book editorial images courtesy of crfashionbook.com.