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I love writing this blog, I enjoy spending time researching the Roitfeld family and the world of fashion that surrounds them, but most of all I treasure my interactions with you, my friends and readers. I would like to ask that you take a minute to interact, I love to know more about those reading along. There are a number of ways that you can do this:
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Stargazer lily illustration © 2010 Kellina de Boer. All Rights Reserved.

Reader Comments (23)
xoxo + bbf
so ok, i trying to look bored looking my face in the mirror and singing U U UUUU U UU from 18pm
but unluckily, maybe for yesterday's 5 tanqueray tonic or who knows,i m still not bored
Kellina so tell me, when i'll have the honour to bring you to mac donald's with me?
(it s cheap cheers, i know, but,who cares?)
# @dizzyblazeberg FYI Paris Big Macs are the best! so are the fries :)7:54 AM Oct 4th from TwitterBerry in reply to dizzyblazeberg
# @dizzyblazeberg i think the one on the champes elysees is open till 1 or 2am... but not sure...9:02 AM Oct 4th from TwitterBerry in reply to dizzyblazeberg
# @Julia_RR Big Mac's and the Mona Lisa? This has JULIA RESTOIN ROITFELD written all over it: 10:09 AM Oct 6th from web (from derek blasberg's twitter)
# @dizzyblazeberg Only us french could come up with this! lol11:32 AM Oct 6th from TwitterBerry in reply to dizzyblazeberg
; )
Kellina, I am truly honoured to sit at the BBF table with the equally fabulous Kate. IWTBAR continues to bring people from all over the world together to learn more about the Roitfelds. With your witty writing skills, intimate knowledge and exclusive images, where would we be without you?
I cannot wait for our BBF meet-up in Paris!
PS - how cute is Mike!?
; )