Me & The Roitfelds

They may not have included me in this gorgeous photograph† but I am mentioned along with "the perfect social totems" Julia and Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld as featured in the Fashion Week edition of New York Magazine.
Indeed, there’s an entire website slavishly devoted to tracking the family; it’s called I Want To Be A Roitfeld and is run by a Carine-possessed woman who goes by the pseudonym Kellina de Boer (though her phone number, and accent, are registered in Norwell, Massachusetts). Early on, one commenter, who Kellina is convinced is Julia, wrote, “hey girl writing on my family… you are a freak! spend your time on something more constructive!” Now, the blogger says, “if I write something that’s not true, she lets me know.” Julia, for her part, denies ever commenting on her site. “It’s flattering, but it’s scary at the same time."*
—Carl Swanson, "Les Enfants Are All Right"
†Note that I would fit in with my coloring.
*It's equally scary that I never actually gave any telephone number to Carl Swanson. For the record, my phone, my accent, and I do not reside in Norwell, Massachusetts.
Vladimir and Julia Restoin-Roitfeld photograph © 2010 New York Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.

P. S. Fun fact, if Julia Restoin-Roitfeld never commented on my blog then who would have the vested interest and insider knowledge to leave the comment that appeared below on December 6, 2009, in response to my post on Frank Tell? And silly me for taking it down!
© 2010 Kellina de Boer. All Rights Reserved. Modified from the original post (two photos are omitted).

Reader Comments (16)
pas de touché...
simplement la vérité.
if julia restoin-roitfeld verified that she has never commented on my blog as reported by carl swanson, then by extension of logic it would be poor journalism for me to hide this comment. in fact to do so would be to call mademoiselle restoin-roitfeld a liar. of course i would never do this so a rather awkward position, non?
Congrats, Kellina! This is getting juicy!!
Merci beaucoup, Kate!
I love your website, and I think it is rather rude for them (New York Magazine) to print such a disrespectful article about you and your website. You do a wonderful job posting accurate, insightful information about the Roitfelds and their fashion that is in no way creepy. Keep up the good work! Your website and are my favorite!!!
Isn't it scary/odd that Julia keeps up with herself on IWanttobeaRoitfeld? And I am a huge fan of her, but her recent comments bother me....
OMG, Catilin, thank you for making my day!!!! I truly appreciate your support and I am thrilled to hear that you love the site. Please keep your comments coming, I can definitely use the encouragement right now.
; )
I think it is important to tell you that your blog is amazing. There is no such thing as bad publicity. It is just a little bump in the road that Julia does not appreciate it the way we do. Don't let anyone tell you it is bad. I love it! Thank you for all your posts!
Thank you sooooo much, Isabelle!!! I love hearing that you love my blog!!! Please do visit often and let me know what you think, I am so glad to hear from you.
See, what did I tell you? Everybody agrees that your blog is fabulous so if New York Magazine wants to twist facts/information then SHAME ON THEM for bad journalism and respect to you for setting the record straight.
Milla, you are such a sweety!
Of course they are trying to sell printed matter (a tireless battle in these times) and must resort to any means necessary while I have the luxury of "having no one in my pocket" as Carine would say.
Vive la vérité !
No, this isn't creepy, this's sad, and not at surprising given the lowly aspirations of the the mainstream class.
Well, congratulations Melanie...You, yourself, are admitting that you are 'sad' considering your post and interest in this website, and must have 'low aspirations' yourself. Obviously, your significance is so menial that you waste your time visiting this website writing rude comments. If you are so important and have such high ideals and expectations than why the hell are you here? You're a bit of a hypocrite aren't you?
Caitlin, you seriously rock. It's so ridiculous that she can't manage to write a proper sentence, I decided not to even comment. But I do love your logic.
I visit this website almost daily i like it very much, i love Carine and its great that such place exists! Greeting from Serbia !
Awwww, thank you so much for your kind words, Maya!! I am thrilled to receive your greetings from Serbia, greetings to you from the US as well!! Please do comment often, it makes me so happy to know that there are nice people like you reading along.
: D