Roitfelds On Best Dressed List

It is official — Vanity Fair has just announced their International Best Dressed List for 2010 and Julia and Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld are ranked among the stylish inductees. Visit Vanity Fair for a slide show featuring the entire list of the best of the Best Dressed. (Heh, just noticed the typo in Vladimir's name in the heading! I would be happy to employ my editorial skills on your behalf, Condé Nast... just say the word...)
Julia Restoin-Roitfeld photograph © 2009 Luc Castel/Angeli/Fame. All Rights Reserved.
Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld photograph © 2010 Venturelli/WireImage. All Rights Reserved.

Reader Comments (10)
That is so funny--Conde Nast would be so lucky to have you!
Kate, you are such a sweetheart! I truly appreciate your kind words. Sadly I checked back and they have corrected the typo so looks like they don't need me after all.
; (
LOL! Thats their loss.
Love your vote of confidence, Kate, my sincerest thanks to you!!
Kellina the editrix strikes again!
I like the sound of that, editrix, it suggests a costume...
; D
Merci, my darling Michael!
thanks dear, carine for prez!
right on, sling!
; )
I. Love. Them. And that outfit Julia has on! Impeccable, as per usual!
Thanks for stopping by La Couturier! I've just recently launched my new website and blog, A Bit Coquettish. After 2 years, I've [finally!] dropped my guise of anonymity - take a peek? (;
Kim, you are adorable now that you are out of anonymity! I'm glad to be back in touch, "La C."! Are you dropping the pseudonym and site altogether? Or will you do both? Either way, I hope you will be visiting me often, dear!! Bises, k