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Roitfeld And Battaglia: Milan Fashion Week Fall 2011

Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld and Giovanna Battaglia have been spotted in Milan viewing the menswear collections for Fashion Week and they look fabulous! The outfit above featuring the leopard skirt is one of my all time favorite combinations by Giovanna, every detail is perfect. She is so beautiful — those amazing eyes — and the colors complement her exquisitely. I also like how the Suno skirt, the gorgeous green leather jacket, and the details of her accessories all work together in the outfit below to accentuate her already tiny waist, pure genius. For more fun, my lovely friend Gala has posted a collection of photos from Giovanna's modeling days with Dolce & Gabbana, she is one seriously beautiful woman. Grazie, Gala! As for the fashion choices made by Vladimir, monsieur had yet to shed his outerwear so not much to say beyond cute hat...

Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld photograph © 2011 Boheme Noir. All Rights Reserved.
Giovanna Battaglia photographs courtesy of Stockholm Street Style and Team Peter Stigter.

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Reader Comments (15)

I don't like Giovanna. She and Vladimir aren't the best couple for me. She looks like a 45 years old woman :/ He looked MUCH better with Lily Donaldson. Lily is younger and she looked better with Vladimir. Why they aren't together????
21 janvier 2011 | Unregistered Commentersomeone17
Che sorpresa!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! This is a good day! Grazie a te, Kellina, che ti entusiasmi, insieme a me, per la nostra passione per la bella Gio!
21 janvier 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGALA
Beautiful outfits Kellina! That Vlad is a cutie...
(p.s. you and Kate are on the same wave length today...)
21 janvier 2011 | Unregistered Commentercupcake
Well, my, my, look at that! Outfit number one is better. :)
21 janvier 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKate
Giovanna's leopard skirt has got me all worked up. She makes it look so effortless! I am still struggling with how to work in a classic hermes scarf into everyday wear and there she is, effortlessly mixing classic with leopard. She is just the cat's meow and her style is off the charts.
21 janvier 2011 | Unregistered Commenternoelani
giovanna has such a great style....she can mix pieces up like anyone else.
21 janvier 2011 | Unregistered Commenterscrittrice
@someone17: it sounds like a discrimination that Vladimir looked better with Lily because she was younger!!!!! :-0 :-0 :-0 just kidding ;-)
21 janvier 2011 | Unregistered Commenterscrittrice
Gorgeous G!!!!! Love her!
22 janvier 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAsila Al Habtoor
Someone17, I am genuinely sorry to hear that you have not succumbed to Giovanna's considerable charm. She and Vladimir are the best couple for me, I cannot express to you how completely thrilled I was the day that these two complete strangers coupled off. Primarily because I could add Gio to my very limited choice of people to feature on the site. I love her style, I think she may be the most singularly stylish woman on the planet. She dresses to suit herself perfectly, unexpectedly even though we know her style well, and differently every time. Additionally, none of the editorials she styles ever looks like her style! She has a rare gift of an enormous personal style that she is able to put aside yet reference while working. Her genius staggers me and I mean this quite sincerely. I think Lily Donaldson is very pretty but not at all remarkable or memorable and I love Vladimir's decision. I hope this does not offend you but I feel passionately about this topic and I must reply honestly.
22 janvier 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
Ho il piacere, Gala! Grazie per l'ispirazione, bella! xx
22 janvier 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
Cupcake, it amazes me that virtually every day since the first day we began commenting, Kate and I have been on the same wavelength! She is a Best Blog Friend for life, love her!

Vlad is cute as hell, isn't he? In a weird Goth arty way that I have always found hot, hot, hot.
22 janvier 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
Kate, see above! Outfit numer one is somehow better than the masterpiece which is outfit number two, how does Gio do it?!
22 janvier 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
I love how you expressed yourself there, Noelani! Now I want to see you working that Hermès scarf woman...
22 janvier 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
Scittrice, it is a gift that Giovanna has! Remind us what she was wearing when you saw her in St Barth...

Someone17 is discriminating against Gio for age, I hope she gives her a second look...
22 janvier 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
Anche a me, Asila! Molto bella!
22 janvier 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina

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