Happy 27th Birthday Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld!

Our amazingly talented contributing editor Lee Ferguson experimented with hatching (or hachure in French) to illustrate this masterful portrait of Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld in honor of his 27th birthday. Lee really captured his spirit with her strokes and I am mesmerized by his eyes. Happy Birthday, Vladi!
Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld illustration © 2011 Lee Ferguson. All Rights Reserved.

Reader Comments (11)
Thanks for all the compliments here! Bernie, you made me laugh, but you also reminded me: didn't Gloria Guinness write an article back in the '60's about "the perfect man" in which she referenced Jesus? Haha! I googled it, & found the following line in Wikipedia under "Gloria Guinness":
** Guinness wrote frequently for Harper's Bazaar, most famously asserting, in the magazine's July 1963 issue: "Elegance is in the brain as well as the body and in the soul. Jesus Christ is the only example we have of any one human having possessed all three at the same time." **
I don't know about that statement, BUT if Gloria were alive today & met Vlad, I'm sure she would revise it to include him too ;-)