This month the IWTBAR team will flash back to April 2001 to examine the third issue of Vogue Paris produced by Carine Roitfeld with the focus on "Tentation Rebelle;" Erin Wasson was the perfect cover model to convey her message. I have translated the issue's "Le Point de Vue" from French to English so that we can better understand Carine's vision for rebel temptation... Note that the editor's letter was very plain then and not yet emblazoned with her signature "CR" so instead let's enjoy the amazing cover shot which melds the talents of stylist Marie-Amélie Sauvé and photographer Hans Feurer to set the tone for "Tentation Rebelle."
Effrontée, la dégaine boudeuse, fausse méchante et tendre voyou. Elle est là : c'est la tentation rebelle. Vêtement limite, juste à l'endroit stratégique, dentelle en morceaux, mais somptueux lambeaux sur un corps en dévoilé résille. Ces vêtements, on les croit interdits, mauvais goût, mauvais genre. Ce numéro met ce préjugé K.O. Le sourcil est froncé mais le charme complètement désarmant.
Descente express sur Berlin, rebelle city par excellence. Instantanés d'une ville prise sur le vif, extérieurs nuit, et tous ses clans comme en Cinémascope, parfois un carré blanc. C'est la pulsion punk, domptée à la sophistication : trench trash mais tout cuir, plastique rose shocking mais sabré au champagne.
Perfecto biker, chaîne et grosse boucle : une panoplie de chef de gang, mais larme à l'œil, le cran d'arrêt désamorcé tweed et baby cachemire. Les rebelles ont leur égérie : Betty Catroux, jean androgyne et soleil noir un peu mélancolique. Aujourd'hui comme hier, elle est modèle d'inspiration. Les rebelles ont leurs lois : surtout ne rien faire comme les autres. Un temple leur est désormais consacré. Tel que l'imagine Rei Kawakubo, l'art du shopping ne sera plus jamais comme avant. Les images non plus : l'op art drainé par Denise René a envahi la ville.
Brazen, the outlandish pouting, false wicked and tender hooligan. She is there: the tempting rebel. Limited clothing, strategically located, lace pieces, but sumptuous tatters revealing a body of fishnet. Such clothes, they are thought to be banned, bad taste, bad style. This issue knocks out this prejudice. The brow is gathered but the charm is completely disarming.
Downhill express from Berlin, rebel city par excellence. Snapshots of a city taken on the spot, outside at night, and all the clans like in Cinemascope, sometimes a white square. This is the punk impulse, tamed sophistication: trashy trench but all leather, shocking pink plastic but cut with champagne.
Perfecto biker, chain and big buckle: a variety of gang leader, but a tear in the eye, the safety catch disarmed with tweed and baby cashmere. The rebels have their muse: Betty Catroux, androgynous jeans and black sun a little melancholy. Today as yesterday, she is a model of inspiration. The rebels have their laws: above all do nothing like the others. A shrine is now devoted to them. As imagined by Rei Kawakubo, the art of shopping will never be as before. Nor the images: the op art attracted by Denise René invaded the city.
More from Vogue Paris April 2001
Vogue Paris April 2001: Bande A Part
By Jessica Eritou
Vogue Paris April 2001: Berlin
By Dara Block
Vogue Paris April 2001 Translation: Initiales B.C.
By Kellina de Boer

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Vogue Paris cover image © 2001 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.