Special thanks to Gala for posting an article with Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld from the October issue of the Italian version of Style. It is a fabulous little interview, revealing many of Vladi's favorites so I have attempted to translate it from Italian to English here for you. Please let me know if you can improve the translation. Grazie!
Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld: L'Arte Di Vivere
È il ragazzo più glamour di Manhattan. Viene da Parigi ed è il figlio dell'anti-Wintour, la signora di Vogue Francia. Fa il mercante di opere contemporanee. ‹‹A 27 anni è bello cambiare tutto. E passare da Hollywood a Keith Haring››. Grazie ad amici come Testino e Armani.
La top four dei suoi preferiti:
Les Valseuses de Bertrand Blier, 1974
Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorsese
Marlon Brando, Patrick Dewaere, Meryl Streep
Armani, Dior, Rei Kawakubo
Le cinque cose di cui non può fare a meno nella vita sono: "Genitori, sorella, fidanzata, amici e Blackberry".
Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld: The Art Of Living
He is the most glamorous guy in Manhattan. He comes from Paris and is the son of anti-Wintour, the lady of Vogue Paris. He works as a dealer of contemporary art. "A 27-year-old looking to change everything. And go from Hollywood to Keith Haring." With friends like Testino and Armani.
His top four favorites:
Les Valseuses by Bertrand Blier (1974)
Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorsese
Marlon Brando, Patrick Dewaere, Meryl Streep
Armani, Dior, Rei Kawakubo
The five things he cannot do without in life: "Parents, sister, girlfriend, friends, and Blackberry."
Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld image © 2010 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.