I Want To Be A Roitfeld

Kellina de Boer

Dara Block

Jessica Eritou
Renee Hernandez
Bernie Rothschild

quoi de neuf
Carine Roitfeld




Julia Restoin-Roitfeld




Beauty Products


Beauty Secrets

Style Tips



Mademoiselle C

Mademoiselle C (2013)
Directed by Fabien Constant

IWTB Interview:
Fabien Constant




Harper's Bazaar

carine roitfeld: irreverent

I Want To Be An Alt

I Want To Be A Coppola

I Want To Be A Battaglia


Tom Ford
By Tom Ford


Yves Saint Laurent 
By Roxanne Lowit


The Big Book of the Hamptons
By Michael Shnayerson


A Message for You
By Guy Bourdin


Dior: The Legendary Images
By Florence Muller


Marella Agnelli: The Last Swan
By Maria Agnelli


Fashionable Selby
By Todd Selby


O.Z. Diary
By Olivier Zahm 

Entries in Style (103)


Happy Halloween Roitfeld Style

I have no photographs of the Roitfeld family in their costumes for this Halloween, instead enjoy additional images from le bal masqué de Vogue Paris now in the gallery. I found lots of new shots of the Roitfelds and friends en masqué so this must suffice for our Halloween treat. Also view Roitfeld Halloween Costumes from years past, j'adore Julia's cat costume. Happy Halloween!

Photographs of Carine Roitfeld and Julia Restoin-Roitfeld et al in masks courtesy of livincool.com, icanteachyouhowtodoit.com, trendland.net, and saywho.fr.


Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld: The Art Of Living

Special thanks to Gala for posting an article with Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld from the October issue of the Italian version of Style. It is a fabulous little interview, revealing many of Vladi's favorites so I have attempted to translate it from Italian to English here for you. Please let me know if you can improve the translation. Grazie!

Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld: L'Arte Di Vivere

È il ragazzo più glamour di Manhattan. Viene da Parigi ed è il figlio dell'anti-Wintour, la signora di Vogue Francia. Fa il mercante di opere contemporanee. ‹‹A 27 anni è bello cambiare tutto. E passare da Hollywood a Keith Haring››. Grazie ad amici come Testino e Armani.

La top four dei suoi preferiti:

Les Valseuses de Bertrand Blier, 1974

Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorsese

Marlon Brando, Patrick Dewaere, Meryl Streep

Armani, Dior, Rei Kawakubo

Le cinque cose di cui non può fare a meno nella vita sono: "Genitori, sorella, fidanzata, amici e Blackberry".

Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld: The Art Of Living

He is the most glamorous guy in Manhattan. He comes from Paris and is the son of anti-Wintour, the lady of Vogue Paris. He works as a dealer of contemporary art. "A 27-year-old looking to change everything. And go from Hollywood to Keith Haring." With friends like Testino and Armani.

His top four favorites:

Les Valseuses by Bertrand Blier (1974)

Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorsese

Marlon Brando, Patrick Dewaere, Meryl Streep

Armani, Dior, Rei Kawakubo

The five things he cannot do without in life: "Parents, sister, girlfriend, friends, and Blackberry."

Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld image © 2010 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.


I Want To Dress Like A Roitfeld

My dear friend Kate Ringo Suzuki paid me the ultimate compliment and invited me to write a guest post for her blog Everyday Glamour. Of course the subject is Carine Roitfeld...

Would you like to learn the secrets to dressing like a Roitfeld? Specifically we will focus on how to dress like Carine Roitfeld, perhaps the most challenging of all. I say "challenging" because if you wish to dress like her son Vladimir, it is simple: don black trousers and either a black or white shirt underneath a black jacket, likely Armani. Julia is a bit less formulaic: a short dress by a newly discovered designer, stilettos and bag by Miu Miu, and stunning original jewelry designed by an FOJ (friend of Julia), perhaps a classmate from Parsons. Loads more variety, yet Julia's style choices are achievable provided you have the figure and the dough.

Now we come to the mother lode of style: Carine Roitfeld, editor-in-chief of Vogue Paris and editorial director of Vogue Hommes International among her many influential roles in the world of fashion (amFar and ANDAM come to mind immediately as other examples).

How to dress like Carine Roitfeld:

1. Awake at 7 a.m., stretch, Pilates.
2. Scent with Opium Body Lotion by Yves Saint Laurent.
3. Create smoky eyes using Yves Saint Laurent liner, groom brows.

Yes, this is all part of dressing like a Roitfeld! Ambience, ma chère, plus nonchalance. Très Roitfeld. Never forget that Pilates provides the perfect underpinnings for any chic ensemble. Carine's signature look combines classic designer pieces, a blouse, a tailored jacket, a knee length skirt, often in black with bare legs and killer shoes. She is most likely to be seen taking risks with transparent clothing underneath a professional exterior while peering mysteriously out from behind her hair. Like I said, challenging...

I will leave you with a few thoughts from Carine Roitfeld's Twitter account:

  • Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.
  • Make style an expression of your soul.
  • Fashion is something you buy, STYLE is something you OWN!
  • Fashion is not about utility. It is merely a piece of iconography, to express an individual's identity.
  • Fashion isn't to make you look attractive, it's to make you look different.
  • Never wear anything that panics the animal.
  • I dress for women and I undress for men.

Carine Roitfeld photographs courtesy of Fashion Spot.

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