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Giovanna Battaglia In Vogue Russia

It appears that Carine Roitfeld was not the only person of interest featured in the December issue of Vogue Russia. Giovanna Battaglia is the subject of a brief editorial which I have translated from Russian to English. I did it myself using Google Translate and a lot of copy/paste (since I don't know which keystrokes correspond to which Cyrillic characters) so feel free to comment on any errors you may spot. вот, сила интернет-блогов!

In Vogue


джованна Батталья
[Giovanna Battaglia]

вот, сила интернет-блогов: всего за год миланская стилистка и редактор итальянского Vogue Gioiello джованна Батталья  превратилась в знаменилась в знаменитость мирового масштаба. Подозреваем, что к следующему декабрю она станет главной предсказательницей ювелирных трендов и музой одного из больших дизайнеров.

Behold, the power of internet blogs: in just one year Milanese stylist and editor of Vogue Gioiello Giovanna Battaglia has become a famous celebrity on the international scale. We suspect that by next December she will become the primary oracle for jewelry trends and muse to one of the great designers.

Vogue Russia editorial image © 2010 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.

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Reader Comments (11)

Your translation looks OK, I might have used a diff word instead of oracle, but anyway, it's good.

The one wrong letter is when you spell Battaglia in Russian: that would be Батталья - the first letter "Б" corresponds with the where comma is on a standard keyboard (at least on my Mac keyboard).

If you need help with any Russian translation in the future - feel free to contact me, it will be my pleasure.

I am a blogger from Moscow, Russia. You can check out my blog, but I write in Russian.

12 janvier 2010 | Unregistered Commentercatmoscow

Well it's not entirely wrong, she's had a long association with Dolce&Gabbana after all and the progression to muse would be quite easy....it'd be interesting to see if any other designer used her as a muse though.

12 janvier 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDru

Hi, catmoscow!

Thank you so much for stopping by and for your advice on the translation. I changed the first letter as you recommended. Instead of "oracle" the translator suggested "sibyl" but I thought readers would be more familiar with this word. I am open to any suggestions.

I appreciate your offer to help with future translations, I will definitely be in touch. I like your blog, too!!

12 janvier 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

I totally agree, Dru! When I was translating this I was thinking, Hmmmm, are D&G not great designers?! Was not Giovanna the muse of D&G?! I am a little bit confused by the words though I do believe that is what is being said in the article.

12 janvier 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

I forgot to mention this earlier- but Giovanna was featured in the September 2006 issue of US Vogue, as part of a 'dressing for your age/shape' feature I think. It just came back to me while I read your comment about her not being quoted in her Vogue UK feature (she's quoted in this one though, and extensively- especially regarding her liking of very short skirts!). It might be worth looking for the issue, or for a scan to see the feature better.

12 janvier 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDru

Hi, Dru! That's cool, I will definitely keep an eye out for that article.

12 janvier 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

Kelly, thanx for the credit and kudos on finding the article on the Blue Light parties on Wiki!

13 janvier 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBarbara - aka CatMoscow

Hi, Barbara! My pleasure, I truly appreciate your kind offer to help with the translation.

13 janvier 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

Hi, Dru! I found the article with Giovanna from Vogue September 2006 that you mentioned, thanks so much for the lead.

19 janvier 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

С удовольствием читаю ваш блог. Продолжайте писать обязательно. Андрей, Татарстан.

26 juillet 2010 | Unregistered CommenterЛеонтий

Большое спасибо, Андрей!

26 juillet 2010 | Registered Commenterkellina

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