Carine Roitfeld was interviewed by Alena Doletskaya over lunch for the December issue of Vogue Russia, here is the text as translated from Russian to English:
This Frenchwoman has at her fingertips the best Parisian cafés, the DNA of fashion, her own children, and a sexy man.
Carine, next year is a double anniversary: 90 years for Vogue Paris and ten for you as its editor-in-chief. Have you had to sacrifice in these years?
Fortunately, I managed to give birth to children in time: when I was offered a job at Vogue, they were already adults. I did not feel that I missed their childhood or that I had to sacrifice something for the sake of work. I do not have to go home, I do not wait until the nurse comes. I have not the slightest feeling of guilt.
What is most the most important quality of Vogue Paris?
It is made by the French. We live in fashion and we have our own idea of what it should be.
Maybe even too much? Today so many different collections: prêt-à-porter, pre-fall, cruise, couture... It's not too much? Is it perhaps time to begin a more rigorous selection?
The main thing is that the brand is clearly consistent with its DNA. For example, everyone knows that excellent Max Mara coat. At his show, I want to see 15 great coats and not one mediocre evening dress. For an evening dress I'm going to Valentino, for a good bag that will last me many years, Hermès. Take the latest collection of Dolce & Gabbana—Sicilian widow, beautiful models, beautiful clothes—it's their DNA, that is what Domenico and Stefano do best.
And what about the young designer who has not yet had time to recognize its DNA?
It's only a matter of time. I like the energy of many young designers. Alexander Wang is just 25 years old, behind him are a few collections, he is beautiful and full of energy, the girls adore him, he tusuetsya, drinking champagne, he is not obsessed with work. And his shirts—the best. American schools teach designers to do things that will sell well.
And among the French?
In France, the designers are taught to do, but do not sell. We have good designers, but we know little about them. It would be nice to do something with the young designers at the next Fashion Night Out. It would be very helpful to them.
When you notice the new trend on the catwalk, you're sure you want to see it in your wardrobe?
Only if I like him. I'm not chasing trends. I know my style and what I love.
What do you never wear?
Do you wear fur?
Mostly I do not wear it. Not because of PETA, I am indifferent to them, just this year I do not want to wear fur.
By the way, did you have a happy first Fashion Night Out?
Over! Avenue Montaigne was packed with people. Young, fashionable, beautiful. Shops were happy to get acquainted with the new generation of buyers, and our readers—personally to see such heroes of the journal, such as Karl Lagerfeld and Jean Paul Gaultier. Next time will be even better, I'm sure.
How many people work for your magazine?
I never thought!
Tell me, what worries you now?
Now I only worry for the family: children, friends, my parents, unfortunately, no longer. Everything else is nonsense. I work a lot, but I learned not to worry because of the magazine. Well, cork, well, I'll be late on some show, this is not the end of the world. I do not want to create a tragedy because of the little things to it, and so in our lives enough. Even if you lose a job, you're going to work even harder to find a new one.
Do you react badly to criticism?
If you criticize me personally, such as blogs, I do not care. If you criticize my journal or misinterpret what I wanted to say—I will survive. When you're little known, you get used to not responding to criticism. My children and husband are my most vigorous critics. They are always honest with me. They give me lots of good ideas. I trust them and greatly appreciate their opinion.
Your children are already very mature and independent...
Yes, they have lives. Julia is engaged in design. She now dates Robert [Konjic], a dark-haired handsome man who was a model for Gucci about 10 years ago. Vladimir has an art business: he has successfully organized an exhibition of Nicolas Pol in New York, all the paintings were sold, and now doing another in Milan. And most do not take money from me. He has Giovanna [Battaglia], I have long known her. Very nice girl. But Vladimir is only 24 and still has time povybirat.
He's handsome and clever! You can be proud of him. What annoys you in people?
Being stabbed in the back by someone I trust. I am not strong enough to accept it.
Do you have an iron rule that you never break?
I never get into somebody's pocket. I do not want to cross that line.
With what idea do you wake up in the morning?
At 7 a.m., only one thought: it is good to sleep for another ten minutes or just tumble in bed. But one has to get up. Yoga helps to wake up. On Saturdays, I allow myself to engage in sleeping a little later, and on Sunday in the evenings.
What do you always have in your handbag?
I do not wear bags. BlackBerry in my pocket, spare glasses at work, or cosmetics, or comb. Even makeup has never corrected.
Do you read much?
In Paris in general reading fails. Maximum of newspapers and magazines. Books I read only on vacation.
When I am in Paris, I go to the movies nearly every weekend in the mornings before lunch. This is a ritual: I wear my favorite jeans, which are ten years old, and my boots with a small heel, which are about the same age, and I go to the movies. I like the latest movies like Inglourious Basterds by Tarantino.
With whom among the people now living or already dead would you like to communicate?
I would love a dinner with George Clooney or Tom Ford. By the way, have you seen his latest film? Very beautiful! [Editor's note: Tom Ford's new film is titled A Single Man.]
Any fashion blogs?
Generally, I do not read blogs, but I am aware of what is happening. Perhaps in the future they will work for us.
Do you have a Twitter account?
Don't your friends and family Twitter?
Not really. I understand the importance of this, but let it develop more.
What would you like to get for Christmas?
Personal aircraft!
Oh, no way!
It is unlikely that someone will give me one, but why not dream? I prefer to give gifts than to receive.
What are the qualities you value in a man?
Once I was very unhappy with the wrong person, so loyalty is very important to me. Sense of humor. And sexuality. This does not mean that he should be the ideal body, but rather some kind of spark. And blue eyes. There is something very sexy about cold blue eyes.
Then you have to come to Russia. We have many blue-eyed men. What makes you happy?
Calm. I am happy when simply sitting in a café with friends. You can not always be happy, so you should try to appreciate the happy moments.
Thanks to tarsha/Fashion Spot for the translation from Russian to English.
Carine Roitfeld and Alena Doletskaya photograph © 2009 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.
Update on lundi 11 janvier 2010 by
Here are the original editorial images from Carine Roitfeld's interview with Alena Doletskaya that appeared in the December issue of Vogue Russia.

Vogue Russia editorial images © 2010 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.