Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld Exhibits RETNA

On February 10, Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld and Andy Valmorbida present RETNA, a Los Angeles graffiti artist known for making fine art from street art. The solo exhibit "RETNA: The Hallelujah World Tour New York" debuts in New York with a Fashion Week opening party at the 560 Washington Street gallery. RETNA developed his style while working with the famous Seventh Letter crew, becoming recognized for the giant murals illustrated with his signature typographic motif. The artist created 35 works for this exhibit which is curated by Pat Tenore, owner of RVCA. Watch RETNA discuss his work in the studio and on the street in this brief video. I certainly hope we see Carine at the opening party...
Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld presents RETNA images courtesy of flickr.com/anrchosyn, limitemagazine.com, and ampersandific.blogspot.com.

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I'm competing in a contest to win the chance to have a phone conversation with anyone of my dreams- and of course I chose Carine, so I'm hoping I can get a few votes!!
Check out my entry below :D
: )