I Want To Be A Roitfeld

Kellina de Boer

Dara Block

Jessica Eritou
Renee Hernandez
Bernie Rothschild

quoi de neuf
Carine Roitfeld




Julia Restoin-Roitfeld




Beauty Products


Beauty Secrets

Style Tips



Mademoiselle C

Mademoiselle C (2013)
Directed by Fabien Constant

IWTB Interview:
Fabien Constant




Harper's Bazaar

carine roitfeld: irreverent

I Want To Be An Alt

I Want To Be A Coppola

I Want To Be A Battaglia


Tom Ford
By Tom Ford


Yves Saint Laurent 
By Roxanne Lowit


The Big Book of the Hamptons
By Michael Shnayerson


A Message for You
By Guy Bourdin


Dior: The Legendary Images
By Florence Muller


Marella Agnelli: The Last Swan
By Maria Agnelli


Fashionable Selby
By Todd Selby


O.Z. Diary
By Olivier Zahm 

« Carine Roitfeld At De Grisogono Party In Cannes | Main | Roitfeld And Testino For The Face »

I Want To Be A Roitfeld: Year Two

Today marks the anniversary of I Want To Be A Roitfeld, two glorious years of following the Roitfeld family: style icon and editrix extraordinaire, Carine Roitfeld, and her two brilliant and beautiful children, Julia Restoin-Roitfeld and Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld. It has been quite the exciting year and I love all of you for reading along with the fashionable adventures of the Roitfelds. Let's take a moment to reflect on a few of the highlights over the last year:

Vladimir presented several new art shows:

Julia kept busy with her work as model, art director, journalist, and photographer:

What a year! I would also like to thank every single contributor to the blog — the writers, the photographers, and the artists that lend their incredible talents to make the blog worth visiting, in particular I wish to heartily thank my brilliant editors for their wonderful words and their constant encouragement.

Most special thanks to my loverly beau, Michael, who constantly supports me in this endeavor — I could never do it without you, mtm, you pwn. Finally thanks again to YOU for reading this blog! You make it special by reading along and voicing your opinions, you are its raison d'être, you ROCK! Looking forward to another amazing year ahead with you!



Joyeux anniversaire, ma geai bleue.

Carine Roitfeld, Julia Restoin-Roitfeld, Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld, Giovanna Battaglia, and Olivier Zahm photographs
© 2010, 2011 Condé Nast, Getty Images, and Boheme Noir and courtesy of viperempire.blogspot.com, streetfsn.blogspot.com, ceccarini.blogspot.com, and facehunter.blogspot.com

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Reader Comments (20)

Congratulations Kellina <3
You are great and talent person!
Thank you for your fantastic work
you are a great inspiration

16 mai 2011 | Unregistered Commentermontse22
Thank you for all your kind comments, Montse, you totally keep me going!!! I hope you know how much your support means to me. Love!
16 mai 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
Happy birthday!!! Troppo divertente questo post!!! Bel modo di festeggiare.
16 mai 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGALA
hahahaha! jolie kellina!!
16 mai 2011 | Unregistered Commenterannalisa
good job Kellina!!! I read your blog very occasionally but I love it!!
16 mai 2011 | Unregistered Commentersomeone17
Grazie tanto, Gala! Sono contento che tu puoi vedere l'umorismo in esso.
Thanks so much, Gala! I am glad you can see the humor in it.
16 mai 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
Merci beaucoup, Annalisa!!!
16 mai 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
Thank you, someone17!! I appreciate your kind words.
16 mai 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
happy Birthday. The two years here is your gift to us!
16 mai 2011 | Unregistered Commentermimi (cigalechanta)
Congrats on the milestone, Kellina!
16 mai 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLee Ferguson
Oh Cigalechanta, it is my pleasure, believe me! Keep reading...

16 mai 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
Thanks, Lee! It is nice of you to say so.
16 mai 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
Congratulations!! You do such a good job! Go ahead and treat yourself to that double shot Americano... ;)
16 mai 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKate
Ha ha ha!!!

This proves my long held theory that you are a mind reader, Kate!!! I JUST made myself a decaf cappuccino which I NEVER do and I thought of your earlier Tweet!! So lovely being on the same wavelength with you!! Thank you so much for your constant encouragement, BBF, you ARE the best!!
16 mai 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
Dear Kellina,

By reading your comments, I knew there was something between you & Michael.

Best wishes from the Nas family !

Mrs Nas
17 mai 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMrs Kelly Nas
Nothing escapes your sharp eye, Mrs Nas! Thank you kindly for the best wishes of the Nas family.
17 mai 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
Congratulations, Kellina! What a wild 2 years it's been!
17 mai 2011 | Unregistered Commentermike
Merci, Michael! Hang on...
17 mai 2011 | Registered Commenterkellina
Huge congrats Kellina! You have accomplished so much this year, I don't know how you find the time to keep producing so many quality sites and content. Brava!
18 mai 2011 | Unregistered Commenternoelani
Auguri Kellina, your blog is the best!! Amazing subject matter... Keep up the the great work with your new team!
18 mai 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmina

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