Behold the library of Carine Roitfeld or what we can see of it anyway. Of course she has the requisite issues of Vogue Paris much like we saw in her daughter Julia Restoin-Roitfeld's library although hers are stacked on the coffee table rather than the floor. What is more surprising is that most of the books on Carine's shelves appear to be in English and focus on photography and art with a dash of fashion, again mirroring Julia's collection. I regret that I cannot decipher more of the titles but the type is simply too small.
Bonjour Tristesse Françoise Sagan
Maison Martin Margiela
Raphael Mazzucco Collected Art
Self Service
Rock Fashion
Josh Sims
Tom Ford
pUnk Picasso
Larry Clark

François Nars
Stylist: The Interpreters of Fashion
Peter Lindbergh
Richard Avedon
Helmut Newton
Edward Hopper

No Smoking
Luc Sante
Unseen Warhol
John O'Connor
Dean Merceron
A Flash Of Art
Achille Bonito Oliva
Diana Vreeland
Play at Theatre

Mario Testino: Portraits
Haute pointure : Une histoire de la chaussure
Colin McDowell and Philippe Noiret
Back Stage
Mario Testino: Let Me In!
Cecil Beaton: The Art of the Scrapbook
Lima Peru: Edited by Mario Testino
Aside: why has Todd Selby not yet photographed Carine's elegant home for us? He did such an amazing job when he shot Julia's apartment, more than 60 gorgeous photos of minimal splendor. Let's see his perspective of Carine... The photograph shown here comes from a beautiful book titled New Paris Interiors which showcases the apartment of Carine and partner Christian Roitfeld as well as the homes of many other tasteful and influential Parisians.

Library of Carine Roitfeld and Christian Restoin photograph © 2008 Taschen GmbH. All Rights Reserved.