I Want To Be A Roitfeld

Kellina de Boer

Dara Block

Jessica Eritou
Renee Hernandez
Bernie Rothschild

quoi de neuf
Carine Roitfeld




Julia Restoin-Roitfeld




Beauty Products


Beauty Secrets

Style Tips



Mademoiselle C

Mademoiselle C (2013)
Directed by Fabien Constant

IWTB Interview:
Fabien Constant




Harper's Bazaar

carine roitfeld: irreverent

I Want To Be An Alt

I Want To Be A Coppola

I Want To Be A Battaglia


Tom Ford
By Tom Ford


Yves Saint Laurent 
By Roxanne Lowit


The Big Book of the Hamptons
By Michael Shnayerson


A Message for You
By Guy Bourdin


Dior: The Legendary Images
By Florence Muller


Marella Agnelli: The Last Swan
By Maria Agnelli


Fashionable Selby
By Todd Selby


O.Z. Diary
By Olivier Zahm 

Entries in Translation (47)


Vogue Paris Translation: Editorial, February 2011

Below is the editorial that Carine Roitfeld authored for the February issue of Vogue Paris and my translation of her words from French to English.

Ce premier numéro de l'année met le cap sur l'Italie, les Pouilles précisément, et expose au soleil les 65 total looks de l'été prochain élus par Vogue. Couleurs débridées, imprimés en liberté, audace assumée... la saison est à la mise en scène extrême de soi. ‹‹J'ai adoré la mode››, dit Edmonde Charles-Roux, écrivain, seize ans à la tête de Vogue, présidente du Goncourt, que nous avons rencontrée et qui évoque une vie comme un roman. Celle de Colin Firth basculera peut-être bientôt. Époustouflant en souverain bègue aux prises avec ses complexes, il est en pole position pour décrocher l'oscar et se confie en exclusivité. On croise les doigts pour lui.

This first issue of the year sets sail for Italy, Puglia specifically, exposed to the sun and the 65 total looks for this summer selected by Vogue. Unbridled colors, printed in freedom, audacity assumed... the season puts the self at center stage. "I adore fashion" said Edmond Charles-Roux, author, sixteen years at the helm of Vogue, president of Goncourt, whom we met and who evokes a life like a novel. That of Colin Firth may switch soon. Astonishing as a sovereign struggling with his stammering complex, he is in pole position to win the Oscar and confides in us exclusively. Our fingers are crossed for him.

Vogue Paris editorial image © 2011 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.


Julia Restoin-Roitfeld For Riachuelo

Mademoiselle Julia Restoin-Roitfeld was chosen as the face for the amazing new collection by Cris Barros for Riachuelo and minha amiga Silvia Nascimento from Li em Algum Lugar kindly fills us in on the scene by translating an account from Betty from Portuguese to English for all of us. Muito obrigada, Sil!

Riachuelo Dinner With Julia Restoin-Roitfeld
By Silvia Nascimento

Sophia's account of the evening:
Ontem fui no jantar de comemoração da coleção da Cris Barros para a Riachuelo. A garota propaganda é a Julia Restoin-Roitfeld. Alguma dúvida que vai ser sucesso?!!! Pedi para minha amiga Lula tirar algumas fotos (porque eu tenho muita vergonha de pedir para posarem pra mim) para mostrar para vocês algumas das produções bacanas que vi ontem, começando com a Julia, coloquei logo as two fotos dela porque não consegui decidir qual escolher. As transparências vieram para ficar mesmo e o couro continua com tudo, hein?! A Cris Barros já estava com um casaquinho da coleção nova (mas este da marca própria), já entrou na minha wishlist!!!

Silvia's translation of Sophia's account:
Yesterday I went to a dinner to celebrate Riachuelo's collection by Cris Barros. The face is Julia Restoin-Roitfeld. Any doubt that will be a sucess? My friend Lula took some pictures (because I'm too shy to ask her to pose for me). Beginning with two photos of Julia, because I couldn't decide which to choose. Leather and lace continues to be on trend, don't you think? Cris Barros wore a red jacket from her new collection (not Riachuelo, but her own label), and I want one.

Flavio Rocha, Julia Restoin-Roitfeld, Cris Barros, and Anna Claudia Rocha

Julia Restoin-Roitfeld and Cris Barros

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 Julia Restoin-Roitfeld photographs courtesy of bettys.uol.com.br and © 2011 Riachuelo. All Rights Reserved.


Carine Roitfeld Quits Vogue Paris

I have no real information but I will add details as available. I thought I should give us space to begin grieving and speculating so feel free to comment with your theories as to why Carine Roitfeld is leaving Vogue Paris. What could possibly be better?! Who could ever take her place?!

Carine Roitfeld photograph © Condé Nast and Hedi Slimane. All Rights Reserved. Vogue Paris cover image featuring Carine Roitfeld created by Kellina de Boer.


Vogue Paris Translation: Editorial, November 2010

Below you can read my translation from French to English of the editorial authored by Carine Roitfeld for the November issue of Vogue Paris.

Alors que l'automne bat déjà son plein et que le moral a la couleur du ciel, le désir d'ailleurs et de liberté se fait plus que jamais sentir. Alternative inspirée à un vol long courrier, destination un paradis ensoleillé quelconque, ce nouveau numéro de Vogue est une plage d'évasion. L'heure mode est au hippie revival et au souffle bohème. Longue jupe en coton poids plume, imprimés foisonnants, colorama désinhibé, jean customisé, nudité assumée, kimono déluré... Les influences se télescopent pour une allure universelle et émancipée : More de Barbet Schroeder au shaker avec un brûlant Japon, les skaters de Wassup Rockers, l'évanescence Bilitis façon David Hamilton... Egalement au sommaire, une visite exclusive de l'une des plus belles maisons de Malibu, l'océan rien que pour soi à 180°; une rencontre très personnelle avec la discrète Bambou, dernière compagne de Serge Gainsbourg, qui planche avec son fils Lulu sur un album. Sans oublier une escale de l'extrême à Burning Man, probablement le rassemblement alternatif le plus déjanté, où créatifs de tout poil, freaks, nomades et jeunesse dorée se retrouvent dans une quête sans limites de sensations fortes. C'est le dépaysement assuré.

While autumn is in full swing and the morale is the color of the sky, the desire for elsewhere and for freedom is felt more than ever. This alternative was inspired by a long flight, the destination any sunny paradise, this new issue of Vogue is a beach getaway. The fashion of the hour is the hippie revival and the bohemian spirit. Long skirt in lightweight cotton, abundant prints, disinhibited colorama, customized jeans, assumed nudity, cheeky kimono... Influences collide in a look universal and emancipated: More by Barbet Schroeder in the shaker with a scorching Japan, the skaters of Wassup Rockers, the evanescent Bilitis fashion of David Hamilton... Also in summary, an exclusive tour of one of the most beautiful houses in Malibu, the ocean just for you at 180°; a very personal encounter with the discreet Bambou, the last companion of Serge Gainsbourg, who joins her son Lulu on an album. Without forgetting a stop to the extreme at Burning Man, probably the craziest alternative gathering, where all creative sorts, freaks, nomads and golden youth find themselves in an endless quest for strong sensations. This is the change of scenery.

Vogue Paris editorial image © 2010 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.


Vogue Paris Translation: Editorial, October 2010

Here is my translation from French to English of the editorial that Carine Roitfeld penned in her own hand for the October issue of Vogue Paris. Though brief it is adorable and I am a completist so I wanted to include it here.

Si un seul mot devait résumer l'élégance, le luxe, l'audace, le désir et l'esprit, nul doute que ce serait Vogue ! Un miracle enchanté qui fête ses 90 ans.

If only one word were to sum up elegance, luxury, audacity, desire, and spirit, no doubt it would be Vogue! An enchanted miracle that celebrates 90 years.

Happy Birthday

Vogue Paris editorial image © 2010 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.

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