Anna Dello Russo: Jus De Noël

Carine Roitfeld features the inimitable Anna Dello Russo and her lovely new fragrance in the December issue of Vogue Paris — j'ADR! The segment is titled "Jus de Noël" (or in English, Christmas juice) and appears below in French and English.
Protégé par un escarpin laqué or en clin d'œil à Cendrillon, mélangeant arôme vanillé et notes d'amande, le premier parfum créé par Anna Dello Russo est, selon la rédactrice en chef mode du Vogue Japon, ‹‹un gadget pop››. Un gadget gourmand imaginé comme un accessoire de fin d'année (le ruban a été pensé pour être accroché au sapin), disponible en exclusivité sur
Protected by a stiletto lacquered in gold with a nod to Cinderella, mixing the aroma of vanilla and notes of almond, the first fragrance created by Anna Dello Russo is, according to the fashion editor of Vogue Nippon, "a pop gadget." A gourmand gadget imagined as an accessory for the end of the year (the ribbon is designed to be hung on the Christmas tree), available exclusively on
Visit Anna's web site for a video of the production of the new fragrance.
Anna Dello Russo image courtesy of, © 2010 Condé Nast.