I Want To Be A Roitfeld

Kellina de Boer

Dara Block

Jessica Eritou
Renee Hernandez
Bernie Rothschild

quoi de neuf
Carine Roitfeld




Julia Restoin-Roitfeld




Beauty Products


Beauty Secrets

Style Tips



Mademoiselle C

Mademoiselle C (2013)
Directed by Fabien Constant

IWTB Interview:
Fabien Constant




Harper's Bazaar

carine roitfeld: irreverent

I Want To Be An Alt

I Want To Be A Coppola

I Want To Be A Battaglia


Tom Ford
By Tom Ford


Yves Saint Laurent 
By Roxanne Lowit


The Big Book of the Hamptons
By Michael Shnayerson


A Message for You
By Guy Bourdin


Dior: The Legendary Images
By Florence Muller


Marella Agnelli: The Last Swan
By Maria Agnelli


Fashionable Selby
By Todd Selby


O.Z. Diary
By Olivier Zahm 

Entries in Editorial (145)


Carine Roitfeld: Evening Dare

As we anxiously await the release of CR Men's Book tomorrow, let us amuse ourselves with the editorial “Evening Dare,” a daring take on menswear by Carine Roitfeld and Mario Testino published in Vogue Hommes International in 2007. Merci mille fois to the amazing Paul Kolyer for sharing his insights as well as the images.

Carine Roitfeld: Evening Dare
By Paul Kolyer

This flashback could be called “Roitfeld/Rewind” or “I Want To Be A Male Model Styled By Carine,” either way the team of Roitfeld/Testino created another fabulous editorial for Vogue Hommes Spring/Summer 2007. Just so happens that Taschen has released Mr. Testino's new book, SIR. This volume covers thirty years and will no doubt contain many images styled by CR.

Always ahead of her time, the "gender debate" in menswear was a non-issue for Carine Roitfeld. Her styling here borrows a dress, a bag, and a turban from the Prada line for women. The Prada evening bag is soft and so in style for men now. I love how she uses the single Tiffany diamond at the throat throughout. I wonder if t-shirt sales dropped after seeing this, if you've got the body, leave the tee at home!

All of Carine's fetishes (black, Le Smoking, nipples, waist, pubic hair) are on full display in “Evening Dare.” La Roitfeld really saw the future of menswear with her take on track pants, broaches, jackets over long tunics, and sequins for men — the Fendi sequined cardigan is so sexy for evening under Le Smoking.

The modern man has so many options now and with menswear seeing global double digit growth, Carine Roitfeld may want to use her design skills for a men's collection, sure to be a sell out. And she can style the ad campaign, bien sûr !

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Vogue Hommes International cover image © 2007 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.


CR Men’s Book Issue 1: Lucky Blue Smith

CR Men’s Book, Carine Roitfeld’s new publication devoted entirely to menswear, debuts on 3 September and she has selected Lucky Blue Smith as her cover model for her premiere issue. Photographed by Sebastian Faena, the image focuses on Lucky’s famous blue eye as he gazes into the looking glass. Among the other models sharing the pages of CRMB Issue 1 are Kate Upton, Fetty Wap, Gabriel Day-Lewis, Kaia Gerber, Presley Gerber, and Jaden Smith. The initial issue of CR Men’s Book will be wrapped with CR Fashion Book Issue 7 with subsequent issues sold separately; however, I cannot find a way to order either a subscription or a single issue of CRMB, please let me know if you have any information.

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CR Men’s Book images courtesy of crfashionbook.com.


CR Fashion Book Issue 7: Classic Eccentric

Gaga… oooo la la… For the seventh issue of her CR Fashion Book, clearly Carine Roitfeld is caught in a Gaga romance. Lady Gaga poses as a bride on the cover as photographed by Bruce Weber, the perfect tribute to the issue’s theme, Classic Eccentric. As for Carine’s thoughts on the issue, she shared her feelings about her choices for the theme and the cover: “The theme for the issue is classic/eccentric because I am interested in what happens when you mix the two. I am fascinated by people who represent both extremes at the same time… It is always better to be a little bit of both. Take me, for example: I love eccentric fashion, but in reality I am quite classic… Lady Gaga perfectly represents what I mean by the classic eccentric to me. She is completely Gaga, but she is also a lady. In her music and art, she is so creative, always pushing the envelope… And yet she is classically trained, as well. As we saw with the jazz music, she can be both the modern pop star and still play the classic songs, giving them a modern twist. That is always what I love.” CR Fashion Book Issue 7 will appear on newsstands 3 September and will be packaged with the premiere issue of CR Men’s Book.

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CR Fashion Book images courtesy of crfashionbook.com.


Julia Restoin Roitfeld In ELLE France

Three generations of Roitfeld women come together for the April issue of ELLE France in a perfect tribute to spring style. Julia Restoin Roitfeld appears on the cover surrounded by bunnies as styled by her mother, Carine Roitfeld, and photographed by Pamela Hanson. Inside the magazine, Julia exudes sweet, sexy, and chic in an array of denim looks and in one special shot, her daughter, Romy, appears along with her beloved bunnies. To bring it full circle, I haves added images of Julia taken for ELLE France back in the 1980s, including one with Carine. Below is the full interview with Julia (with comments by Carine) which I have translated from French to English, enjoy!

Telle Mére, Tel Style

Julia Restoin Roitfeld, mannequin, créatrice du site Romy & The Bunnies et fille de Carine, prend la pose pour sa mére une leçon de jean sensuel, par deux expertes.

“Je suis moins pointue que maman !”

Un site pour mères stylées, une enfant de 3 ans, Romy… Et des projets plein la tête. La fille de Carine Roitfeld est sur tous les fronts (row).

‹‹J’adore tes chaussures››, dit Julia en admirant les escarpins fatals de sa mère, Carine Roitfeld. ‹‹Elle ne me les piquera pas, elle fait une pointure de plus que moi››, s’amuse la maman. ‹‹Heureusement, je peux lui piquer ses vêtements››, rétorque Julia. Nous sommes dans un studio photo parisien où se déroule le shooting de notre série mode. Carine affûte les looks de Julia, fille modèle de 34 ans. Yeux de chat et sourire ultra-bright, Julia dégage un charme tout en douceur. Cette Frenchie habite Manhattan. Elle y est arrivée, il y a onze ans, pour étudier le design management. Et elle y est restée. ‹‹ J’aime la vie aux Etats-Unis on y connaît moins ma famille (son père, Christian Restoin, a créé la griffe de chemises Equipment, sa mère est encore plus photographiée que les people des premiers rangs des défilés). Cela me motive pour mener des projets, car j’ai tout à prouver.›› Et les projets, elle les multiplie en tant que mannequin, réalisatrice, consultante et fondatrice d’un site d’e-shopping. Julia aimerait aussi lancer une collection de dessous pour femmes enceintes. ‹‹Je ne comprends pas pourquoi on ne pourrait pas porter de soutien-gorge sexy quand on allaite ?›› Pour le moment, Julia est surtout très occupée par romyandthebunnies.com, un site Internet pour mères en quête d’astuces et de conseils shopping. Elle l’a créé juste après la naissance de sa fille, Romy, 3 ans en mai. ‹‹C’est pour les mamans qui ne veulent pas sacrifier leur vie d’avant. Tout est dans le nom du site : Romy, c’est ma fille, elle adore les lapins, et les bunnies, ce sont les créatures sexy du magazine “Playboy”. Enceinte, j’ai pu constater que l’univers de la maternité manquait cruellement de glamour.›› Le site se développe à la vitesse grand V : Romy & The Bunnies sortira une capsule pour enfant cet été, en collaboration avec la marque Love Shack Fancy. Puis un projet avec Bonpoint pour les 75 ans du livre culte des enfants américains ‹‹Pat The Bunny››*. Si Julia a reçu quelques coups de pouce via le réseau de sa mère, elle a largement prouvé que sa place était dans le milieu de la mode. En 2005 à 24 ans, elle fut l’image du parfum Black Orchid de Tom Ford. ‹‹Je connais Julia depuis qu’elle est toute petite, elle n’est pas seulement belle, elle est talentueuse, bien élevée et professionnelle››, salue le créateur. Avec cette première pub, sa carrière décolle. S’ensuivent les campagnes de Jil Sander, Lancôme, Givenchy

APPLIQUE-T-ELLE LES LEÇONS DE MODE DE SA MÉRE ? ‹‹Je suis plutôt très basique, jean-pull-ballerines. Je suis loin du look hyper pointu de ma maman, toujours en talons, mais c’est aussi certainement parce que je marche beaucoup plus qu’elle !›› Quand elle était petite, Carine pouvait l’habiller comme elle le voulait : ‹‹J’étais bien plus facile que Romy au même âge. Elle a déjà ses préférences, notamment pour l’imprimé léopard. Comme ma mère››, s’amuse-t-elle. Quand elle était élève de l’Ecole active bilingue, à Paris, Julia devait porter un uniforme bleu marine. Mais Carine préférait l’habiller en noir. ‹‹Tu leur diras que c’est du bleu marine ! m’enjoignait-elle. C’est une super-maman. Elle était très présente, se levait à 5 heures du matin le weekend pour m’emmener à mes compétitions d’équitation !›› C’est aussi une super-grand-mère. Dès qu’elle est à New York, Grandma Carine emmène Romy déjeuner et faire du shopping avec elle. Côté éducation, Julia se garde bien de donner des conseils. ‹‹Chacun a ses solutions, c’est très personnel. En ce qui me concerne, je passe ma vie à culpabiliser. Je m’étais toujours dit que je ne serais pas aussi sévère que mes parents et, finalement, je le suis ! Etre mère célibataire n’est pas évident : je dois jouer tous les rôles.›› Si elle est séparée du père de Romy (le mannequin Robert Konjic), il n’y a pas de garde bien déterminée entre eux. ‹‹On a tous deux des plannings difficiles à prévoir, alors on s’arrange. Quand je suis seule, j’en profite pour manger n’importe quoi en regardent la télé.›› Comment voit-elle l’avenir ? ‹‹J’espère développer Romy & The Bunnies et avoir d’autres enfants, il ne me reste plus qu’à trouver le papa››, sourit-elle. Alors que se termine notre interview, Carine passe devant nous, accaparée par son shooting. Julia la rappelle à l’ordre : ‹‹Maman, dis au revoir.›› Décidément, cette fille a reçu une très bonne éducation. — Sophie Gachet

*Disponible chez Harrods, à Londres.

Such A Mother, Such Style

Julia Restoin Roitfeld, model, creator of the site Romy & The Bunnies, and daughter of Carine, poses for her mother in a lesson in sensual jeans by two experts.

"I am less sharp than Mom!"

A site for stylish mothers, a child of 3 years, Romy…  And projects in mind. The daughter of Carine Roitfeld is on every front (row).

"I love your shoes," said Julia admiring the fatal heels of her mother, Carine Roitfeld. "She does not pique me, she is one size larger than me," teases the mother. "Fortunately, I can nip her clothes," retorts Julia. We are in a Parisian photo studio where the shooting of our fashion editorial takes place. Carine sharpens Julia's looks, girl model 34 years old. Eyes of a cat and ultra-bright smile, Julia emits a gentle charm. This Frenchie lives in Manhattan. She arrived there, eleven years ago, to study design management. And she stayed. "I love life in the United States, less is known about my family there (her father, Christian Restoin, created the Equipment brand of shirts, her mother is still the most photographed of the people in the front rows of fashion shows). This motivates me to carry out projects, because I have everything to prove." And the projects, she multiplies them as a fashion model, director, consultant, and founder of an e-shopping site. Julia would also like to launch a lingerie collection for pregnant women. "I do not understand why we cannot wear a sexy bra when breastfeeding?" For the moment, Julia is especially busy with romyandthebunnies.com, a website for mothers seeking tips and shopping advice. She created it just after the birth of her daughter, Romy, 3 years old in May. "This is for moms who do not want to sacrifice their previous lives. It's all in the site name: Romy, this is my daughter, she loves rabbits, and the bunnies, they are the sexy creatures of the magazine 'Playboy.' While pregnant, I observed that the universe of motherhood was sorely lacking glamour." The site is growing at the speed of light: Romy & The Bunnies will release a capsule for children this summer, in collaboration with the brand Love Shack Fancy. Then a project with Bonpoint for the 75th anniversary of the cult book of American children, "Pat The Bunny"*. If Julia has received some nudges through the network of her mother, she has amply demonstrated that her place was in the world of fashion. In 2005, at 24 years old, she was the image of the perfume Black Orchid by Tom Ford. "I have known Julia since she was little, she is not only beautiful, she's talented, well-educated, and professional," salutes the designer. With this first ad, her career took off. There followed the campaigns of Jil Sander, Lancôme, Givenchy...

DOES SHE APPLY THE FASHION LESSONS OF HER MOTHER? "I tend to be very basic, jeans-pull-ballerinas. I'm far from the super sharp look of my mom, always in heels, but also probably because I walk a lot more than she." When she was little, Carine could dress her as she wished: "I was much easier than Romy at the same age. She already has her preferences, including the leopard print. Like my mother," this amuses her. When she was a student at the Ecole Active Bilingue in Paris, Julia wore a navy blue uniform. But Carine preferred to dress her in black. "'You tell them it's navy blue!' she enjoined me. This is a supermom. She was very present, got up at 5 a.m. on the weekend to take me to my riding competitions!" This is also a supergrandma. When she is in New York, Grandma Carine takes Romy to lunch and goes shopping with her. On the side of upbringing, Julia is careful not to give advice. "Everyone has their own solutions, it's very personal. As for me, I spend my life feeling guilty. I always told myself that I would not be as severe as my parents and ultimately I am! Being a single mother is not easy: I have to play all the roles." Though she is separated from the father of Romy (the model Robert Konjic), there is no definite custody between them. "Both of our schedules are difficult to predict, so it is arranged. When I'm alone, I take the opportunity to eat just about anything while watching TV." How does she see the future? "I hope to develop Romy & The Bunnies and have more children, it remains for me to find the dad," she smiles. While ending our interview, Carine passes us, monopolized by her shooting. Julia calls her to order: "Mom, say goodbye." Definitely, this girl has received a very good education. — Sophie Gachet

* Available at Harrods in London.

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Julia Restoin Roitfeld for ELLE France © 2015 Condé Nast.


CR Fashion Book Issue 6: Jolie Laide

Kitty Hayes in Versace

For her sixth issue of CR Fashion Book, Carine Roitfeld dares to use seven burgeoning models to illustrate the concept of "Jolie Laide," her theme for the issue. The three covers show Kitty Hayes in Versace; Sarah Brannon, Julia Hafstrom, and Antonina Petkovic in Chanel; and Issa Lish, Stella Lucia, and Molly Bair in Saint Laurent by Hedi Slimane as photographed by Karl Lagerfeld and Anthony Maule.  The "Jolie Laide" issue celebrates "individual character over pure good looks… and features the new guard of models that represents the way Carine Roitfeld views beauty for 2015." I simply cannot wait for this issue! Appearing on newsstands beginning 5 March.

Sarah Brannon, Julia Hafstrom, and Antonina Petkovic in Chanel

Issa Lish, Stella Lucia, and Molly Bair in Saint Laurent by Hedi Slimane

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CR Fashion Book images courtesy of crfashionbook.com.