Happy Birthday Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld!

According to his sister Julia, today is Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld's 25th birthday and what a prosperous year he celebrates. Vladimir translates from Russian as "one who owns the world" and in the New York art world he is hard at work on making good on his name. He sold a million dollars worth of art for Richard Hambleton this year as well as quite a few works for Nicolas Pol at a better price than previously fetched. Let's not forget the "Three Photographers" show that happened in February of this year, another artful success in Vladimir's favor. Probably the best gift of all is the relationship he formed with Giovanna Battaglia. Bon anniversaire, Vladi !
Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld and family and friends collage photographs courtesy of cobrasnake, nymag,com, papermag.com, Park Avenue Peerage/Patrick McMullen, and style.com.
Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld and Carine Roitfeld photograph © 2009 Condé Nast. All Rights Reserved.